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  1. W

    More mind games, and a few great moments.

    :crackup: LOL :crackup: :woo: I want to hop a plane to Austraila just to sit in that dance studio and watch JoPhil work.:rockon: "Miss SW" (or should I say MS?) was totally wrong. If I'd have been her I'd have put my hand over the phone and told JoPhil that if he'd give me just 5...
  2. W

    When employers ask "Tell me about yourself?" how do you respond?

    I'll have this printed on a t-shirt!
  3. W

    When employers ask "Tell me about yourself?" how do you respond?

    The company doesn't give a fcuk about your hobbies, your family or what your dog's name is. They care about WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR THEM! *Tell them how you saved your last company money. *Tell them how you did on your last employee review (if it was good) *Tell them how you increased sales...
  4. W

    Does society give men any value in the dating game??

    A few things to think on gentlemen: 1-Why on earth would we want to date & invest time with a guy who's a bad f*ck? 2-Just because a girl is a "6", doesn't mean she can't get laid. There will alway be some guy willing to plow that field. 3-The "sex means romance" died an ugly death...
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    Woman with Child Abuse past

    She's doing the right thing by going to therapy, gotta give her props for that! What she went through was horrible, sick and soul crushing. She might never be "over it" 100%. She might have flashbacks for no reason. But she can get better with therapy. The Bad News: You can't hold her...
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    Video of Beta *****-boys

    ...He likes to stay up late.... ....and watch me sleep????:eek: :eek: :eek: That is SO creepy! I actually felt chills when he said that!
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    She's just fishing! Attention who go on line & see how many gulible men she can get to respond to her. She has no intention of ever seeing you IRL. Forget about her, even if she does call back!
  8. W

    STD from Long Term Girlfriend

    Okay....but what about guys that WEREN'T in the photos? Did she do anything with them?? Her story is pretty damn thin. I've seen people do things at "Spring Break" they wouldn't EVER do at home. Crazy, crazy sh!t!!! Then they return to Jerkwater Kansas and burn the photos while chanting "It...
  9. W

    Cease Posting Negative Sh!t!!!

    Oh Message Boy, you poor delicate flower! No one is spouting "Conspiracy Theories" :crazy: about how women are out to get you lads, least of all JoPhil. His thread is about a single incident and how he handled it. The others have simply responded with their opinions. This is still a place of...
  10. W

    Is this guy the kind of "jerk" women go for?

    Yeah! He's going to have REAL fun in prision with all that "I'm the image of God and I can smack you around because of it." Those guys will beat him to death in his sleep!
  11. W

    How to get my girl to spit/swallow?

    Yeah...but after a girl catches a mouthful and then wants to KISS manly guys get all squemish! "EWWWWWWW! Don't kiss me with jizz in your teeth! Go brush first!":moon:
  12. W

    How to get your girl to lose weight

    She has a broken WRIST, not a broken leg! Drag her ass out for a jog! I'm about ready to come over and smack this chick for you! Where do you live?:trouble:
  13. W

    Mom has put me in a nice pickle

    I can just see him walking up to some hot "Cougar"... "Hi! Wanna be my new Mommy?" :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
  14. W

    How to become a mature adult man who can attract women

    Things women find attractive : Confidence, social skills, humor, boldness. Things greedy gold-diggers find attractive : Money, flashy cars, big TVs Things YOU got : Money, flashy cars, big TVs Things you HAVEN'T got : Confidence, social skills, humor, boldness. Do you see the problem...
  15. W

    probably the wrong place for this question...

    Tell her she can borrow it "If you fill it up with gas" It's not chumpish to lend things as long as you're getting some sort of compensation. ...or the insurance thing.
  16. W

    success story: GF broke up with me, I turned it around

    NICE JOB PIPE007! I'm very proud of you for holding yourself in check and not getting weepy or "Oh-Baby-what-can-I-do-to-fix-this" on her. Very nice move taking the gift back, can you get a refund on it? OoooOOO! Another girl about to get set on fire! (Pulls up a chair & gets my popcorn)...
  17. W

    The counseling profession and their mindgames.

    I think a little "reverse psycology" could have saved this relationship. You should have undercut Leanne's authority & power. "Is Leanne a lesbian? No? Does she have a stable relationship of her own? No? then how can you take relationship advice from a woman who doesn't know how to run her...
  18. W

    Best friend's gf drunk txts "i think i like you"... proper course of action?

    Delete the text... IT NEVER HAPPENED! If you tell your friend he WILL take it out on you an accuse you of "trying to get with his girl" Why? Because she sent the message to YOUUUUU!
  19. W

    What to do, at the end of my tether!

    If you can handle it, try this: Go FRIGID... Don't touch her, don't return her kisses or hugs. Push her away if she tries to cuddle. Don't make any sexual gestures at all. Avoid ANY body contact. Avoid talking about sex and the lack of it. She will notice and wonder what's going on. She might...
  20. W

    The counseling profession and their mindgames.

    I think she FELT you were hard to talk to. (You might be the easiest guy in the world to talk to, but unless we FEEEEEEEEL it, we assume you're a brick wall.) Out here in cyber-land can only guess at what's going on in your relationship and your (ex?) girlfriend's mind. I also think "Leanne"...