This is a follow up to the events of my recent post entitled " The counseling profession and their mindgames".
Frankly, I was astounded at the large number of responses . It seems that I hit some nerves around here.
Anyways, do you recall the story about my planned date with SW, and my subsequent walkout of her house after pacing her living room while she blabbed to her girl about some guy ?
Well, SW turned up, as usual, to our social dance club Tuesday night.
I had a student for a private lesson from 7 to 8pm and SW arrived at about 7 and just sat and watched us with a 'look' on her face.
At about 8pm my 22 year old hottie showed up. She had agreed to be my female demonstrator for the group class from 8pm to 10pm. She looks as good as she dances....
Long story short - SW walks up to me at about 9pm -
SW, " So Jophil, are you going to dance with me tonight or are you all crazy for Zana ( 22 year old) ?"
Jophil (smirks) ," Zana would love to hear that she gets me crazy. Don't tell her, can you keep my secret..lets keep her guessing.."
SW (pouts)," Well,I am not as good as she is - she had all that ballet training . Anyways, how about dancing me around the floor"
Jophil," OK, do you want me to put you back where I found you when we are done?"
SW ( scowls)," Come on.." (Leads me onto floor where I take her in closed dance hold. I am waiting for her to take a dig at me for walking out of her house.) SW dances badly- she feels rigid and heavy.
SW blurts out," Do you always walk out on women just before a date?"
Jophil, "No, just the ones who act badly.."
SW," I was talking to my girlfriend - she was upset, And she thinks you are rude."
SW, " She thinks that you are a freak".
Jophil," Yeah, I can see why she thinks that. Hey, stop wrestling me ( we are slow dancing). Men lead and women follow."
SW, "Yeah yeah,. but I only take the steps that I 'choose' to take."
Jophil," Really, a feminist eh ? Men make all the decisions on a dance floor. Women have no say at all - Perhaps you should try ten-pin bowling instead of partner dancing ."
SW, ( getting exasperated) " You are such an a**hole. Are you gonna buy me dinner to make it up to me for walking out?"
Jophil," Hmm, perhaps you should cook for me instead."
SW," WHAT? why should I? "
Jophil, " Just because I say so... Excuse me " ( Zana approaches looking to cut in) . I walk away with Zana.
More socializing until 11pm whem SW comes over and announces that she is departing...she is looking for me to say 'something'..
SW, fluff talk and then," You know Jophil, I think that I might find another studio . I am making no progress here."
Jophil," Yeah, you felt like a fridge on wheels tonight. Perhaps you could ask the boss for a refund . Have you planned the menu yet for the dinner you are gonna cook for me ?"
SW, " You are totally selfish. Impossible ! "
Jophil," I try my best."
SW swivels on her heels and storms out with nose sniffing the breeze.
The games never they ?