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  1. Greasy Pig

    Dumped on New Year 2: Electric Boogaloo

    I think she was looking for any excuse to end it. For her to act so indignant in this situation is not the actions of a woman who is passionately interested in you (any more). Go NC and see if she reaches out. If she does, escalate straight to sex and if she backs out, go NC again. Only a full...
  2. Greasy Pig

    The pendulum is starting to swing back

    Great article! Thanks for posting.
  3. Greasy Pig

    What Would You Do Here?

    Just wipe this attention seeking drama queen and have no contact with her outside of work. At work be a consummate professional. Say good morning to her and be pleasant but no need to be overly friendly. She's obviously been talking smack about you to other dudes at the office, so solve the...
  4. Greasy Pig

    Someone Got Me Drunk and Took Advantage of Me

    Same thing happened to me a long time ago. I knew this land whale and she basically forced herself into my hotel room. We chatted for a bit and then I lay down and told her to watch TV. About a minute after I closed my eyes, I feel a hand touching my nether regions and next thing she's whipped...
  5. Greasy Pig

    Should Have Saw It Coming

    Good job on not breaking NC! These bytches can't handle radio silence and will try anything to get you to bite. Trying to bait you with talk of fantasy football is a classic disarming technique. An ex of mine whom I went NC on even tried to bring up a funny sexual encounter we'd had once but I...
  6. Greasy Pig

    I can't decide if I should move out of my girlfriend's house.

    Yeah, he's no troll. He received a tonne of advice ages ago when he asked if he should pursue this old bytch but ignored it and is now in a living hell. OP, try to focus on the bad things in the relationship, don't pedestalise her because your brain will convince you your situation isn't that...
  7. Greasy Pig

    I let a girl spend the night, now she wants to all the time!

    I think Meisterman is on the money. Just flip the tables: bust a nut and then leave after 30 minutes of pillow talk so as not to make her feel like a complete slvt.
  8. Greasy Pig

    I think I turned a corner

    Good call. Going to her would've been a major pvssy move. Keep her in the backburner and spin plates who actually want to go a little bit out of their way to see you.
  9. Greasy Pig

    Girl has BF, but...

    In calling attention wh0re. Plain and simple. She's just using you for attention while her boyfriend is away but it's his pole she's riding. I'd pull way back for a while. Then play cards and get drunk with her one night and make a move. If she still resists, cut her loose.
  10. Greasy Pig

    Texting back in grey area

    Or you could go nuclear and initiate a pre-emptive flake. Just tell her something came up and you have to cancel. You may be able to gauge her interest by how she reacts. This move takes big balls.
  11. Greasy Pig

    Are men wanting legal representation at a "rape hearing" too entitled?

    Great article but fvcking scary. Even the so-called victim made admissions that appeared to clear the defendant, as did her own friend and his friend who was present during the whole encounter. Meanwhile, he's been named and shamed while she gets to hide behind anonymity and make horrendous...
  12. Greasy Pig

    Girl at work...

    Sounds like she's fallen for you big time, which makes extricating yourself with no mess extremely hard. You probably shouldn't keep boning her if you want to preserve the friendship. But in saying that, I maintained a FWB arrangement with a work colleague who was - and still is - a really good...
  13. Greasy Pig

    GF reframing freeze outs

    I'd be interested to see replies too. My GF does the same thing. But I think my mistake is that I stick around and withdraw attention. It may be more effective to just get out of the house if she pysses you off. You actually may have to physically not be around for this method to have full effect.
  14. Greasy Pig

    Hello from an old timer!

    Did you hear about Jophil? He would've been around when you were posting. RIP.
  15. Greasy Pig

    gf going to salsa

    If she's looking to cheat or branch swing, stopping her going to salsa ain't gonna do shyt. She'll find another way and all the bravado and boundary setting will be for nought. If it was me, I'd tell her to go for her life. If she fvcks up, she simply loses the privilege of my exclusive company...
  16. Greasy Pig

    She said she's on her period

    Pretty sneaky by her to get you over for some non-sexual time. Take note of the date and watch for more attempts at non-sexual contact. Unless of course you want to get serious with her. And if she pulls the period excuse again, just say: "That's what showers are for".
  17. Greasy Pig

    Banged a plates best friend advice on proceedings

    Let her stew. The laws of physics state that two objects of the same matter cannot occupy the same space. If plate 1 is a true ho or is really that into you, you banging her friend will fire up her competitive instincts. But in my experience, she's gotta make the first move now. How you play it...
  18. Greasy Pig

    Most disrespectful thing done by a woman?

  19. Greasy Pig

    Should Have Saw It Coming

    Don't sweat the delayed response from the new girl. At least the response was positive. If you're spinning plates, delays from other girls don't matter because you just move on to the next one. Enjoy freedom and make the most of every damn day.
  20. Greasy Pig

    Childhood friend

    Just fvcking do it! You're both adults now and adults don't play hide n seek, they play hide the sausage. You have the advantage of already having rapport, just take her for a drink or just invite her over to "catch up on old times", escalate and penetrate. What have you got to lose?