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  1. R

    Girl naked in my bed twice - No sex

    Wow, a weird one. How the heck did you not manage to penetrate her when you were rubbing your d!ck along her cl!t? Every chick where I've reached that stage, she practically melts as I slide inside her. Never make the mistake of asusming a "quality girl" is one who does not put out...
  2. R

    GF lives overseas - am I bad to sleep with other girls?

    You ARE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP with this woman! Do not feel a trace of guilt, get out there and bang other chicks..!
  3. R

    Really, Sosuave? 10 posts in 1440 minutes?

    Er mate, are you feeling ok? Best thing to do is only post replies by clicking on "post reply" rather than the quick reply option...that way it tells you that you've already reached the 10 post limit before you even type anything. Have to admit it's happened a few times to me myself. So...
  4. R

    Women on the front lines in Combat

    I'd much rather shoot my load into a chick's mouth, than shoot her in the closed./
  5. R

    Two Bad Strikes & A Home Run

    1 - Maybe a bit over the top, but at least you stood up for yourself. 2 - If she is 27 fvckin' years old and hasn't had a job for 2 years, and is a negative person, then RUN LIKE HELL! No loss there. 3 - Good work, just goes to show its all a numbers game. When a girl is into you, it...
  6. R

    How could I have done better here?

    Should you have isolated? Well ,that depends if you were looking to get laid or not. Never die trying...any one can be a good dancer to some chick, condoms are for closers.
  7. R

    Do you pay for dates in the beginning?

    The scary thing is that looking back, the last 9 girls I banged, I never even took them on a date before I banged them. Once I have hit it, no real issue with paying for it, but it is amazing how often the girl seems to want to pay for it. I even had one girl rushing to the counter...
  8. R

    Spinning plates? Who needs em'. I don't.

    Plate spinning is the only way to go when you are still playing the field. Read this: But it's important to realise that "plates" can consist of many things other than women... Plates can be your career, other stuff you are...
  9. R

    "Im down to hang out but strictly plutonic"

    Amen! Girls love to feel like it just happened, like she got "caught up in the moment". The number of times a girl has said to me "we're not having s!x tonight", and I've kept my cool and then ended up banging her brains out later in the night...
  10. R

    One girl catches me on date with another girl

    Agreed. Morality, what the fvck?!? For a girl you've been banging for a few weeks and owe nothing to? The fact is, a woman wants to be with a man who can be with other women, she just doesn't want it shoved in her face. Let her wonder.
  11. R

    A Lesson on the true nature of women

    You would think so right...and yet it is amazing how often it happens. Fact is, women don't tend to think these things ahead as much, they tend to go with their feelings in the moment. In the case of the married woman, it actually went on for several months and then she "remembered" she...
  12. R

    Girl sending mixed signals - HELP?

    Agree with the panel. Talk with her about stuff you are doing outside of work, ask her what she is planning etc. If she has a boyfriend (or even if she doesn't but isn't into you) she will mention it. Of course, goes without saying, if you work with her and your game isn't tight, be bloody...
  13. R

    Do you take drunk chicks seriously

    I only take drunk chicks seriously when they are attached to the end of my c0ck. You shoulda chatted her up when she was drunk and horny for you. Opportunity doesn't always strike twice.
  14. R

    Describe your first time...

    I was with my first girlfriend (the one I lost my virginity to), then one night went out alone to a club (was hungover as fvck from my brother's 21st the night before). Had quite literally ordered my first drink, and ended up dancing with this 18 year old Hawaiian chick who gave me the eye when...
  15. R

    Shot down 6 - 7 times tonight

    Go into a gym after never having picked up a weight before in your life and manage to bench press 250 pounds. Enter into New York Marathon when you have never previously run over 5 km, and do it in under 3 hours. Crazy right? Good balls for having a crack, but be realistic - going up to the...
  16. R

    Sexual texing - how to keep tension high??

    Follow Jeff and Pimp's advice,as they are spot on. Fvck phone s!x or skype s!x, that is for losers. Give her the gift of missing you, and then re initiate when she comes back.
  17. R

    A Lesson on the true nature of women

    Yes, hopefully you learnt the lesson. All chicks cannot be trusted until they prove themselves by their actions. And even then, you should always remember that just because she has been with a guy (even you) for years, means nothing if a guy she is more attracted to comes along, that is...
  18. R

    Girl got up, started crying, and then ran off right before sex (srs wtf)

    Your 2 mistakes were: 1) Not hitting it on the Friday night when you had the chance 2) After her crazy b/s, trying to talk it over with her. Shoulda resisted the temptation since it changes nothing, and instead have drawn back a bit, let her attraction for you (if not already gone) build...
  19. R

    Texting is Fun!

    A good thing to do, that I do, is delete all the messages off your phone every week. This reminds you that that is what they are, just meaningless words on a screen, and you shoulnd't place too much importance on them at all. Don't fall into the mistake of measuring your success in...
  20. R

    3 Questions in 3 situations. Help appreciated.

    Did they both know they gave you their numbers? Personally, if her friend is showing more interest and she is still cute, I'd start with her and see what happens. If it doesn't work out, then try the one you know, although you said she wasn't showing as much interest. If you only see her a...