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  1. R

    Girlfriend will NOT go down on me

    Yeah, some girls are funny with that. Some will gobble your sabre and drain you dry, while others are reluctant about it. You've been with this girl for 5 years, if it is a big deal then I suggest trying OnTheWayUp's suggestion. And if that doesn't work and she is continually not doing...
  2. R

    This.. F*cking.. Sucks..

    I don't use it at the moment, but a couple of years back, the chicks I had the best success with online dating (including POF) were those who added me (excluding the fat / ugly ones who I didn't want anything to do with). At times, I'd have quite literally 10 chicks within a week contact me...
  3. R

    Girl Pays for Drinks on Date

    Forget whether she was buying you drinks or not, and ask yourself two questions instead: 1) Was she hot and did you want to fvck her brains out? 2) Did you fvck her brains out? Don't waste time on stuff like buying drinks since chicks are variable in this, but generally if she is buying...
  4. R

    FR: Santa Hat Chick

    Over the Xmas break went to stay with my cousin at the beach for about 3 weeks, although floating around different places at times during that. He rents a pretty fancy place on the canal, with a pool and stuff, area where I used to live a few years back. First Fri night down there (just...
  5. R

    Is attraction everything to women in the beginning?

    Money quote, although looks are still important. Practically every time I've gotten laid, I've hardly said anything beyond the basics and just teased them. And yes, attraction is pretty much everything in the beginning. If she is into you, then it's bloody easy. Whereas if she isn't, you...
  6. R

    Part I - Your princess is in another castle! 40 Common cases reviewed!

    Bloody good post. Glad it is stickied.
  7. R

    how do i become more productive?

    What the hell is faping? You know you need to get out and actually do something, so why come on here for advice? For me, in the past, the computer was a huge time waster. Keep it turned off, and don't give into the temptation of turning it on. Work out what factors, objects or habits...
  8. R

    How to find out if she has a bf?

    I actually believe this should be adjusted to read: If she does find you attractive, then she's single or it doesn't matter that she has a boyfriend, she'll want to be with you regardless. If she does not find you attractive, then she's got a boyfriend, or it doesn't matter that she...
  9. R

    Girl Flaked on tonight - Couldnt believe it

    After reading the first post in this thread, I thought: "If she was really into you, would she want to meet up?" Of course. She would do anything to make it so. Refer the RT quote in my sig. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that so called "quality" girls will not give it up the...
  10. R

    "The Game from an AFC perspective"

    Much easier to replace bad habits with good ones as you go and gradually improve yourself, rather than aim to eliminate the bad ones and start from a blank slate.
  11. R

    Advice on first date situation

    ^ This. You probably blew it by wasting it 3 hours in conversation without making a move to close, but probably worth another shot. Remember: "Condoms are for closers" Doesn't matter at all how much a girl is into you if you don't have the balls to close the deal by ending up with...
  12. R

    Telling them to not contact us = make us look weak & give them upper hand?

    If you decide to go no contact, never ever actually say that you are going to do this. If you explicitly say that you are going NC, it makes you look like a loser, as in your text. But if you never say it and just fade away, she may wonder what you are up to and get in touch again. If you...
  13. R

    she has a bf, she kissed me... now what?

    This may be true for a period. Actions are all that matter, and the fact that she has left her b/f (who sounded like a loser anyway) is a good sign. But the true test is after he actually sleeps with her (if he does). Girls give out kisses like candy these days...kissing means almost...
  14. R

    what's your view on masturbation?

    Kidding yourself if you think that looking at porn and masturbating have no effect on your game. Give it up (porn permanently, MB once a week max) and see what happens. Chances are, you will have way more energy and will find it much easier to pick up chicks. Not saying I've kicked it...
  15. R

    With how many women have YOU been sexually involved?

    9 - 10+ category for me, although nowhere near 90. According to my bang records from the last 5 years: 0% day game 42% night game 33% online 25% work Age ranging from 18 to 31, average age about 26. Has included a married woman, chicks with boyfriends and only one single mom...
  16. R

    Field Report: OC Speedball & Robyn923b

    Good description of the night, but looks like you didn't try to close hard enough. Condoms are for closers. And the condoms are optional. Never underestimate how much girls travelling are chasing foreign d!ck as part of the experience. And with these your target should be fvck close or...
  17. R

    Sex & bl0wjob questions (virgin female - advice needed)

    Sex: Use lube to assist and if the condom is a distraction, go in raw instead. If she's a virgin, you shouldn't have to worry about STD's.. Blowj0b: I normally last a fair while as well. Towards the end, to assist in getting over the line, face fvck her. Chicks love you being dominant...