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  1. D

    I know how women feel

    So here is the situation -- I found myself with 3-1/2 opportunities. 3-1/2 because one of them I was pretty sure was going to flake and she did, so it was never four. Now it's 3. Two from online dating and one at work. Have gone on two dates with one from online and she is totally into me --...
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    What to say when a girl cancels?

    Rather than "okay" how about "Sounds good"
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    10 Myths About Introverts

    ENTP. Probably 70% E, 30% I. Never need down time to recharge. I do plenty in my head but can easily do so in the company of others and I cannot stand loud, busy situations like clubs.
  4. D

    how do I respond to her?

    If she asks what you were craving tell her you were craving ice cream but not just ice cream, ice cream with her. "Why me?" Because I hadn't seen you in a while and I realized how much fun we have when we're together. Why tell her that? Because: Currently, she's going through depression...
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    Online Dating

    Responding to the woman: So you don't think the man should be the leader of the household? Okay, if an intruder breaks in intending to rob the place or, even worse, attack the inhabitants, can I assume YOU will defend your man? You will take on the intruder? Or will you rely on the man to do...
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    The love I gave away

    "And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass of what was everything.." Dude, "Black" is one of the most heart-wrenching, painful songs ever written.
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    how do I respond to her?

    "I hit her up with a nice opener I read somewhere (edited to fit our situation of course)" Your problem here is that you tried too hard with a girl who didn't require any of that BS. To be honest, this opener is stupid. Plain stupid. It sucks. All you needed to do was say "Hey HB 9 I'm in...
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    Changed 12 girls this year, all crazy.

    "Sorry for being cold few days, I was neurotic and then I don't talk to people because everyone makes me nervous and I don't want to hurt people who I care for because of my actions." Is this what you want in a relationship? And there is likely more that you don't know yet...
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    How to get to know a woman without being friend zoned?

    So many men worry about appearing obvious or forward when interacting with a girl. There is nothing wrong with that with respect to spending time with a girl -- i.e. going on a date. That means you are confident and go after what you want. That is very different than appearing *needy*. You...
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    Bad breath boner killer

    Get a travel toothbrush (folds in half) and put a dab of toothpaste on it before you leave for your date. Keep it in your pocket and at the end of dinner go to the restroom and brush your teeth/tongue. Fold it back up, back in pocket, she will have no clue and your breath will be fine.
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    If you really knew me..

    Plenty of guys go through this and then, when they have to get the balls to try to ask women out, they get treated like garbage by these very attractive girls who lament overblowing how people mistreated them as teenagers.
  12. D

    Changed 12 girls this year, all crazy.

    You're 18. You innately have strong character. Many people have to develop character over longer periods of time and this is especially true in your teens, and even more so with females. Be annoyed but you are in a good spot because character is something lacking in many people and as an...
  13. D

    If you really knew me..

    Sorry, I've experienced it too many times that women make sh*t up, blow reality out of the water, make themselves believe things that never happened. Can't take anything said in these videos at face value.
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    How long until you stop caring?(need some major help, long read)

    You're in detox - that takes *TIME*. Can't tell you how much time; you'll know when you no longer care one way or the other about her. Meeting a great girl when you've been through more of the detox process will help. As far as her wanting to see you so much that last week: she was trying to...
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    How do I respond to this?

    Stop caring about her being religious. It means nothing. Plenty of people give up that crap so they can live their lives happily. Don't make it your excuse for why she behaves one way or another. It doesn't matter whether you talk with her for real in person. You are texting her too much...
  16. D

    How do I respond to this?

    You're still being her textmate.
  17. D

    Bailing before you get too attached?

    Continue with NC and you'll learn how she really feels. If you don't hear from her then her words were true; if you do hear from her then her words were false and you now hold the power position in the relationship. Prior to that, due to emotional neediness, you were not the one in control.
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    Ultimate AFC/Oneitis song

    Guys, the point of the "What a Fool Believes" song isn't that the AFC is angry, hostile, etc. and the perspective isn't first person. It is from a third person perspective, from someone whose judgment isn't clouded, who can see the truth that the AFC won't allow himself to see. It is much like...
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    Getting dumped for a loser?

    Age plays a role too. Went on a date with a 36 year old last week. In talking about dating she said her priorities have changed as she has gotten older. In her 20s she'd date a guy if he was cute and funny -- nothing else was necessary. In her 30s she wants more than that -- ambition, has...
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    LTR's & EX's

    I'm going to provide an outlier here guys: my ex-gf (together 7 years) is, in the eyes of most guys, a solid 8. She is definitely pretty. And I am not at all attracted to her. I keep in touch with her occasionally and have asked her to take care of my cats a couple times (we were dating when...