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  1. S

    Loosing Interest AGAIN !! Why does this keep happening?

    what if u don't want a "challenge"? what if u want a chick who is straight up with you, not in the sense that she professes her love from day one, but in the sense that she gives you obvious high interest level signs? some chicks will make u work for every last bit of attention, even if they...
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    When is a married woman NOT off limits?

    stay away. theres enough women in the world that you don't have to go and mack to some married chick. u still have feelings for her? great. let it be known. let her make the first move, get divorced, then shack up with you. (unless you're one of the "cool" dudes who thinks he's getting "one up"...
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    Is it possible to steal a girl from another guy??

    yea, it can definitely be done. something to consider though.....this chick may be a good girl, who is genuinely bored with her present guy <OR> she may just be easy in general, and just as easy it would be for you to take her away, she can be taken away from you by some other guy. just...
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    I need this mindset:: Hunter/Gatherer/Conquerer

    fox: when i say "bully", it is any type of entity or person that you feel mistreats you, belittles you, doesn't give you the fair chance that you think you deserve, etc. in considering this, it can be: A.) a girl who blew you off B.) an employer who decided not to hire you bcuz you...
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    I need this mindset:: Hunter/Gatherer/Conquerer

    not sure how helpful this will be to you because i'm not sure if you are looking for generalities or specific examples, but here is what i have to offer: when you say, "what 'people' think of me".....i think it should be narrowed down to what "girls" think of you, and here's why. first, those...
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    Question on how to get gf to forget hurtfull past

    hey, i've got one for you guys! this chick that i was talking about in my first post, she banged me twice out of the 4 times we hung out. you would think that a person who was burned in the past would be pretty reluctant to move into sex right away - but for this one, it was the exact...
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    Question on how to get gf to forget hurtfull past

    don't sweat this chick. i just met a girl who was the same way - she went out with a guy for years and found out that he cheated on her non-stop. now she is afraid to "open herself" to guys bcuz she doesnt wanna get hurt. even though she liked me, she was very standoffish and it frustrated me to...
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    Are girls impressed by intelligent guys?

    location..location.. ok fellas..... i am totally into meeting "intelligent" females. anyone have any idea where one can meet "intelligent" females. i can say that i have only met like 4 or 5 naturally intelligent females in life, they were ALL english majors, big into shakespeare, ALL...
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    A growing "Anti Male-Bashing" phenomenon

    and men should have the ability to stay home for 15 years, raising their kids. or have the other choice to get a job in society and be applauded just for their efforts, instead of just being expected of them. o yea, and women should learn to swallow 100% of the time. hell, guys do it. where's...
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    A growing "Anti Male-Bashing" phenomenon

    hey, it is what it is. are we men or are we puzzies? if it makes women feel powerful and strong to mock us a gender, so be it. let them have their petty little fun. i just laugh when they bytch and say it's a "man's world". women are so stupid they dont even realize how much the laws of...
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    LOL dudes trying to make passes at my front of me.

    that's the whole point!!!!!!!!! if she walks with the other guy, then u know exactly where u stand on her list of importance! consider this a "guy test". i've done this many times with girls. Plus, what's even better is that they don't even need to actually walk with the other guy. Most of...
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    Pickups at the gym??

    u can look at this from 3 angles, none of which is really conducive to successfully scoring: 1.) hot girls at the gym are also hot outside of the gym. they get hit on by guys everywhere, outside the gym, and look to the gym as a place where they can get away from men, just work out, and feel...
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    The real deal on strength/masculinity and women

    excellent post! this could be some kind of solid intro for some kind of HOF thread! looking forward to reading the next ones!
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    i took accutane about 2 years ago and it really fukked me up. serious, serious depression. i thought that i was losing my mind. as soon as i stopped taking it, all the symptoms went away. is it bad for your body? maybe. some tests conclude yes. the important thing is to keep up with the...
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    99.9% accuracy to get u a number in 20 secs

    yea, but are those phone numbers real?
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    Random thoughts on how to live…

    hey cestmoi, i think you need to get your ideals reevaluated. WTF kind of wisdom do you take from diesel's posts? learning how to insult and put down others? gee, that's productive. i've been on this board a LOONG time before he arrived and in the entire time he has been here, you couldnt fill...
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    Random thoughts on how to live…

    ah, yes. diesel has finally broken out of the health and fitness forum and has infiltrated the general topics forums like an infestation of dirty roaches. GREAT! JUST WONDERFUL! SOMETHING THAT WE ALL WERE LACKING--- THE VOICE OF REASON! i kinda had a feeling all along that the h&f forum...
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    need to handle guys hitting on your girl in front of you

    i've seen it brought up a couple of times in these responses to avoid scenes like bars, clubs, etc., when u r with ur girl. WHY???? WHAT ARE WE ACCOMPLISHING?? if we enjoy that setting, if our girls enjoy that setting, and we both have a good time there, are we going to avoid it out of...
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    The new kind of losers

    how can u possibly tell, from an internet message board, without actually knowing someone, how much action they are getting? U CANT. so anything u post about not having a life is PURELY SUPPOSITION!!!! and purely supposition is not solid enough to make a critical post like the original one...
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    The new kind of losers

    yo, who the fock is this guy? just comes out of nowhere, assumes the people who post often do *nothing* else with their time, and rips on them for being losers. yea...that makes a lot of sense. sounds like someone just trying to get some attention to me. are there some people who go...