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    Take a look at yourself .

    very good....but what were the things u had to fix?
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    How much can you lift?

    funny....notice who feels the need to rip. to whom did i feel the need to criticize their strength or lack of strength? thats right, not one. u know y? bcuz i respect others. i dont have the need to start shyt to make myself look good. if somebody wants to lie, fine let them lie. my ego doesnt...
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    How much can you lift?

    p.s. i bet a good book on quantitative finance would crush ur friggin brain. tell me what sauce ur on so i can avoid it like the plague. i appreciate my fully-functioning brain cells.
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    How much can you lift?

    and diesel: some people are forced to work the hammer machine as opposed to the regular bar after injuries. u know, like separated shoulders and shyt. some things arent the same after injuries and much of my mobility isnt. especially with over-the-head lifts>>> see military press which...
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    How much can you lift?

    viroid: #1) each person has different methods that work. for me, this has worked wonderfully over the years. during the hockey season, it makes absolutely NO sense to go that heavy. it just beats the shyt out of ur body. this is where i cycle down. and to make up for it, i vary my rest breaks...
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    How much can you lift?

    viroid: how the hell am i decreasing the load? did i go from 45-370 by decreasing? i got to this point precisely by consistently adding weight >> not subtracting it. so who the hell are you trying to kid with this advice?
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    How much can you lift?

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    How much can you lift?

    juan juan: thats some impressive lifting! what type of training regimen did u use?? i am kinda seeing my plateau in this 370 area and my goal is to hit 400 before my youthful days are over! right now, i do heavy and light cycles to train for sports. for instance, for bench, i will do like...
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    How much can you lift?

    hey diesel: i am so glad that all of ur so-called "experience" in working out and exercise has allowed u to dump people in a cookie-cutter model of how much someone should lift. u have some kind of funky equations or something? 2(chest) * 4(triceps) / 17pi * 42 reps of abs = max. bench...
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    "Stay Single"

    penkitten: u r right. not ALL guys are good and not ALL girls are bad. <BUT> this topic was slanted for guys to stay single as an alternative to being with women. so thats why most of these posts are a little critical of women. dink: i dunno. ever look at a little girls coloring books...
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    How much can you lift?

    UPPER BODY: bench - 370 incline dumbbell bench - 90lbs standing cable crosses - 90 lbs decline skullcrushers - 90 lbs tri kickbacks - 45lb dummbells tri presses - 90lbs standing bi curls -55lb dumbbells incline bi curls - 45-50 lb dumbbells reverse bi curls - 70lb curl bar military press -...
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    "Stay Single"

    flyguy: u r exactly right. hey, just think: a guy doesnt even wear his own clothes for his own weddin-- he RENTS them, and RETURNS them after he is done. compare this to the women who shops for months looking for that perfect, multi-thousand dollar gown. look at all the trouble the women go...
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    How a HIGH IQ changes the DJ Equation:::

    pjam: i'd like to reverse that for a second. i can tell that u r relatively young from the way u describe your point of view. u r missing the point. if a girl is a great cook, fine. if she is good in math, fine. if she is good in science, fine. but if i cant relate to her, and if she cannot...
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    How a HIGH IQ changes the DJ Equation:::

    chaseme: excellent post. i couldnt agree with u more! is that to say that dumb girls are worthless? absolutely not. there is nothing wrong with being "friends" with dumb girls -- as long as they have sweet personalities and good hearts, befriend them! but i totally agree that when u r looking...
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    Women who make dates that they plan to break

    i really dont agree with doc love here. he does make some valid points, but i dont think guys, on the whole, are very astute at reading a girl in this situation. many of us are focusing on the fact that we got the number/she said yes, too busy stroking our egos, to pick up on her subtleties...
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    Beware of Women's Interests

    please tell me ur joking, right? if not, then what planet are you from, bcuz all the good women must be THERE. the older the women get, the more simple they become. once a friend gets married, has a kid, it becomes the domino effect. once of of them does it, all the rest then have to go out do...
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    Beware of Women's Interests

    bungo: EXACTLY!!!! it is IMPOSSIBLE to xmas shop for a girl with no interests. come xmas, that is when i really realize whether a chick has legitimate interests or not. after u buy them the bracelet, necklace, etc., what else is there? GIFT CERTIFICATES.
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    Beware of Women's Interests

    msthang: wait a minute! u r telling me that there are girls that actually try to make themselves dumb???? u know, in a sick way, i actually believe that bcuz some girls i have met, they were so dumb it made u think that it couldnt happen by accident.
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    Beware of Women's Interests

    i totally agree with description #2. and i have NEVER met a girl who could go toe-to-toe with me on an intellectual level. that's why women bore the F* out of me. many have been babied throughout their childhood bcuz of their looks, or just bcuz they have a vagina, and were never forced to grow...
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    The Law of 10

    ok, well: "In real-life this explains the phenomenon where in one outing you seem to be attracting every ladies' attention and then on another you might as well be invisible. With knowledge and practice we can aim to be the alpha in every outing." do u have any thoughts or suggestions to add...