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  1. D

    Yoga... no DJ will regret giving it a try.

    I'm not arguing with you on any of this, as I happen to agree with you. I was just arguing with you about your winning bodybuilding shows comment.
  2. D

    Best kind of diet for straight up fat loss?

    Actually, if you want defined abs you have to bring your bodyfat levels into the single digits. That and not exercise is what gives you defined abs. You can perform ab exercises to infinity and you'll never have "defined abs" if you're a fat fukk. Besides, if you perform squats, deads, and...
  3. D

    Bodybuilding Cycles

    what you should do is a 24-28 week bulking cycle followed by a 12-16 week cutting cycle. If you are bulking up correctly (i.e. not stuffing your face with junk) you should bulk up without a lot of excess fat. Therefore, one good cutting cycle should get you nice and ripped.
  4. D

    girl from work...WTF

    call her one more time on Monday night. If she doesn't answer, leave a message. Hopefully she'll call back. If not, then you have your answer. NEXT! D p.s. don't get your hopes up.
  5. D

    Ex wants $$

    I'm only arguing that this is not a duty we have to do. We can choose or not choose to do this. Frankly, given the time these two were together it's not worth it. To be honest, with most girls it's not worth it. I find this whole "leaving the girl in a better place" sounds like a lot of...
  6. D

    I Have 22% Bodyfat? NO WAY.

    um, I would say you messed up. Besides I don't really think you can self-test body fat with calipers and be totally accurate. Go to a gym, and have someone who does it regularly do it.
  7. D

    Best kind of diet for straight up fat loss?

    I would say that if you are on a low-carb diet you should NOT be doing HIIT cardio. What you are going to use for fuel if you have no glycogen in the blood?? It sounds like a recipe for catabolism (muscle loss) to me.
  8. D

    Ex wants $$

    Cesare and MOTU: No offense, but your justifications as to why we should ignore law on this one reek of AFC. Why should Leykis care what she thinks of him? By him paying, he is just capitulating to her little mindfukk, and he comes off looking like a weak little bytch. Gio gave you...
  9. D

    Whats your favorite type of girls (race) to date?

    Now you are getting into the whole distinction between "thickness" and "fat". Here's the deal: Thickness is the look when a girl has a full ass and big titties but she has a nice, FLAT STOMACH. Fat is when you have that, but also carry around the abdominal roll. Not good. (Think...
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    - EAS - Phosphagen HP (creatine + dextrose transport product) - Pros: - very cheap - you know the creatine is high quality (b/c EAS has probably the best quality control systems in the industry) - great taste (especially lemon and fruit punch) - Cons: - formula is...
  11. D

    Whats your favorite type of girls (race) to date?

    a lot of black guys seem to like that too... when I lived in Minnesota, I would go to Mall of America or just hanging out on the south side of Minneapolis and I would always see some obese (250+) white freak with a skinny-a$$ black dude. I was like WTF? She must weigh twice as much as that...
  12. D

    Yoga... no DJ will regret giving it a try.

    dubious, but since I can't prove otherwise, I can't critique that. It's possible. [b] absolutely wrong. That has more to do with genetics than with anything else. stretching won't change the shape of your muscles. what wins in bodybuilding competitions today is pure size =...
  13. D

    Best kind of diet for straight up fat loss?

    Nah... I'm almost positive he didn't do it right. An effective cutting diet is very technical, with a lot of planning and timing issues involved, and, to be honest, I highly doubt he undertook the planning to calculate the exact number of calories he needed to be taking in and also wonder...
  14. D

    Best kind of diet for straight up fat loss?

    You obviously weren't doing it right. D
  15. D

    Ex wants $$

    This is wrong. In most jurisdictions the engagement ring is merely a "promise" to marry that does not rise to the level of "contract", which is why people can stiff each other at the altar and usually not be liable for any of the costs incurred by the other party. By law, she only has to...
  16. D

    Yoga... no DJ will regret giving it a try.

    you know, someone should conduct a study comparing the effects of combining the flexibility benefits of yoga with the strength benefits of weight lifting and see what happens. I wonder if combining the two would lead to overtraining or if the yoga would enhance the effects of...
  17. D

    Yoga... no DJ will regret giving it a try.

    um... dropping ten pant sizes will do that to ya, won't it ??
  18. D

    love expert my ass. ****ing femnazi.

    This has got to be one of the most retarded statements on this site. ever. If you are out of high school and you wrote this, I fear for you. D
  19. D

    And thats why you shouldnt eat penguins...

    so you're trying to say that you plan to play football at 130lbs.?? I sure hope you're the kicker. D