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  1. C

    Former wuss wants advice.

    first of all "Honda escort?????????????" getting to your post, everyone here has given you advice you should probably read, and yes your situation is as someone else mentioned "garden variety". Anyways if you really want to try next time you see her cooly say, "I want to try again, if...
  2. C

    oh boy...remember that psycho young one?

    Jaun_Don, what is it about you that seems to bring all these psycho women into your life? I see a trend in your posts, perhaps you should reevaluate either your own actions or your choice of women.
  3. C

    next or second chance

    AMEN brotha, as a side note, this is a busy time of year for alot of people what with the holidays and all
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    veteran memeber, but a bit confused

    I think your all good, just because she is dating you doesn't mean the rest of her life and her friends go away. Just chill with it man, she's all about you
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    blowned off?

    Dude things happen, any number of things could have happened, she'll give you an excuse and I say go with it. Look at this as making a new friend.
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    Love & Seduction site robots

    I'm not saying the good girls are the majority, far from it, but you know what, the best dj advice I ever got was given to me by an ex-girlfriend of mine. I was amazed at how well she treated me and she said "comote, any girl that really likes you will treat you good and try and make you...
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    Thank you and advice

    Dude if you have 6 years of hip-hop classes, then do your thing, chances are you can outdance anyone in the club. Do it, the girls will start coming up to you and trying to make conversation, do it become a popular guy in the club scene, it may take a few weeks but before you know it you will...
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    I have a confession to make and need some advice (for once)

    Hey Bad Ass, good luck, what I do is I think back to all the women that I thought were the one at the time, hey I had alot of afc years, I remind myself that I got over them and met someone new who made me feel that spark again.
  9. C

    Love & Seduction site robots

    There are plenty of women like this
  10. C

    Love & Seduction site robots

    "The One" does not exist . . . But there are a handful of women in this world, I tend to meet one every 2 years or so, that you can really connect with, someone that makes you feel something powerful. Many here try to deny that feeling inside, I even did for a time, and that is sad. But I...
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    Ya, I'm one of the short guys out there.

    There are many women who will disqualify a guy for being short, but there are also girls who will disqualify a guy for being too tall. I've heard plenty of women say this, not just freakishly tall but I have had some of my women friends tell me they were looking for someone under 6ft. I'm...
  12. C

    Smoking out flakey women...

    I would have made a point of telling her how she just broke my heart and will have to make it up to me sometime. The whole time I would have had a smile on my face making her realize I am not the least bit heartbroken and will be just fine without her. I don't like to burn bridges though
  13. C

    i dont want to be "just friends"

    If she is truly interested then she will respect your viewpoint and will be scared that you will get away from her. Her thinking is that she wants you, just not right now, well she needs to realize that it's now or never, you got other girls lined up if this doesn't work.
  14. C

    i dont want to be "just friends"

    Go out with her this weekend, do your thing as if you are already dating her, at the end of the night make your move. Either she accepts it or turns it down, if she turns it down with the friends line again tell her you can;t be friends with her in that way. It's not the smoothest considering...
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    i dont want to be "just friends"

    I think you are on the right path by telling her you don't want to be her friend. What you can do is explain to her that anything that you develop with her won't be a real friendship since you want more. You might try even giving her some time to think about it. In my situation(see below) I told...
  16. C

    The Unorthodox Way by Ian Love

    Actually I really like those, the second fits in with my style completely. The first one, well next time I am single I'll have to remember that one. My friends and I actually have approached pretending one of us was approaching for a friend when we are really approaching for ourselves. It...
  17. C

    On persistence

    You have to have the right mindset, when you feel your confidence fading try a couple of things(I mix it up) 1) Realize not that you are going to get the girl, realize that you will be ok if you don't get the girl. 2) Imagine yourself as a spider and your seduction of her is you spinning...
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    Finding girls that actually make you feel something inside

    You won't find much advice on here about that, reason being is that you are actually looking for what many people here would call "one-itis". I believe all the skills, all the game in the world don't mean a thing if you can't get the girl that makes you feel something. I am currently...
  19. C

    Note to women out there: It's the little things that count

    I agree with some of what has been said in that I often use the "little things" as tests of whomever I'm dating. I went away this weekend myself and actually had it in my mind that the girl I'm dating "had better" have sent me a welcome home email or text or given me a call.(luckily for her she...
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    Oneitis SUCKS

    One-itis One-itis, I actually think the goal of most guys is to be able to get a girl that gives us one-itis. Dude I understand about the barriers you have put up. But if you dump every girl that you start caring about who do you think you will end up with, someone you didn't really care that...