I just wanted to throw out a thanks to this entire site. After constantly reading these tips and stories, I have landed a solid 9. I met this Indian chick in my Spanish class and saw that she was looking at me for sometimes, finally one day I struck up a conversation with her and found out she was a model, along with being a runner up in a local beauty pageant. At first, I thought she was saying it to make herself look better but then she showed me all these pictures of herself taken by professionals and pics of her on stage. Normally, I would go gaga over her and kiss her ass. This time I decided to play it like I did not need her. I busted her balls, everytime she could not come out I made her feel like she was missing out. I introduced Kino the third time talking to her, which I never did in the past. It does not end there, I have been mackin three girls including the one mentioned above. It feels so good to finally get it and I have all you guys to thanks.
I just have one more question. I still am trying to tackle what the hell is wrong with me in clubs. See, when I go there I know what to do but the minute I walk in everything goes blank. My friends know me as the dancer, cause I have taken 6 years of hip/hop. I have no problem with dancing with girls who are friends of friends, or when I am drunk off my ass. I do not want to hide behind alcohol, I want to conquer this problem right away. I think I get a little intimadated when seeing all these tall guys who are buff (I am 5'7, young looking for my age and not bulging with muscles) I am a good looking kid but everytime I get on the dance floor I get clueless on how to dance with a girl. Do I ask? How do I move behind a girl who I do not know without looking like a creep but a smooth player?
Thanks though again for the advice so far that has changed my life.
I just have one more question. I still am trying to tackle what the hell is wrong with me in clubs. See, when I go there I know what to do but the minute I walk in everything goes blank. My friends know me as the dancer, cause I have taken 6 years of hip/hop. I have no problem with dancing with girls who are friends of friends, or when I am drunk off my ass. I do not want to hide behind alcohol, I want to conquer this problem right away. I think I get a little intimadated when seeing all these tall guys who are buff (I am 5'7, young looking for my age and not bulging with muscles) I am a good looking kid but everytime I get on the dance floor I get clueless on how to dance with a girl. Do I ask? How do I move behind a girl who I do not know without looking like a creep but a smooth player?
Thanks though again for the advice so far that has changed my life.