You are simply stupid and know nothing about human laws. You simply have no idea of how the mechanism of the human brain works. Whether it is mans brain or a woman's - brain is the same. And you know what? Deep down, you are half woman, half man. The woman is the same. Now you are made of 50%...
Are you sure you are a man of his word? The only thin that you seem to have in your life is getting your ego filled in this forum. I see you post at least ten post every day. Man take a grip already and take on a dream. You are simply stupid.
You should! Because all the leaders are simply nothing. Without the followers where would he be? Without the people who he leads, where would he be? So he is as dependent on his followers.
We are here together and one - yet everyone wants to be a special one. Men wants to be men and women wants to be women, all the love has disappeared appeared and there is only hate left. It is no wonder that human kind is ****ed up.
Even now, worry first about the women-haters here on this...
I have here about you. You must have at least so much theories that you could create five books with 200 page. You must love the women over everything else.
A woman with an idea that sex is something beautiful will never find a man attractive who has the idea of sex in first date. She will...
I am simply amazed. You must love those chicks very much. Otherwise who bothers to create a whole list of women types. Crazy.. Yet you say you dont give a al**** about them....
Passive-aggressive equals to assertive and that is the best way to describe a Don Juan, an alpha male. But the again, alphas have many haters because of jealous - that he doesn't care at all about.
Female enjoy the penis of the high value men just as women enjoy the pvssy of the high value women which means hot babe. And in fact a chick who is not higher value than the man himself as far as passive is concerned, he will never find her attractive. So all the wonen that you are attracted to...
So from now on, if you come across someone who says that women are wrak, then remember me, and remember to argue against him and just to prepare you I will tell you something special that you probably haven't known: at least 85 percent, the rate must be 90 percent o the population in this forum...
Man, men has turened into women. We are all women, women has turned into men. therefore, men and women are synonymous, but they are completely opposite, contradictory. - Facepalm*
Now women are no longer weak? It is weird because I thought they were weak and submissive and can't live on this planet without the man's help. This is weird - it is all your own stupid nonsense - and you are contradicting it!
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