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  1. D

    Tricking the system

    it's a dangerous message. most of the afc crowd lived a long time just trying to live with what we got. to be content with what we have. i think there's an element of truth in this buddhist idea - especially for things that you absolutely cannot do anything about - like being in prison or a...
  2. D

    women are the enemy; here's what i mean-

    they are our OPPONENTS. if there is indeed a GAME that we are engaged in, WOMEN are the opponents. this is why it makes absolutely no sense to whine and b1tch when things don't work out. if you LOSE a GAME, what sense does it make to complain that you did not win. there's no sense in...
  3. D

    Self-esteem issues

    really good advice about taking a step back and COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS and the field in general.... despite everything that we talk about here, all the "be all you can be" self help stuff AND everything that WOMEN CLAIM THAT THEY WANT/NEED/CONSIDER, most of us are EXTREMELY ORDINARY. BY...
  4. D

    He said "nice thong"...

    are you hot? if you are, that was not a friendly comment. that was a comment of, "i'd like to be wearing it around my neck." come on... how old are you? stuff like this should be pretty obvious for girls over 15... no? delta
  5. D

    My first time getting rejected and it feels horrible

    ??? i'm mystified. the ACTUAL, OBVIOUS ANSWER IS THIS: YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL WITH EVERY WOMAN! this is like complaining that you lost once at black jack... ! the more you do it, the more you will get rejected too. it is INDEED a statistical numbers game... the more you play...
  6. D

    Make a girl who cheated on you feel guilty?

    your reaction is COMPLETELY natural... to forgive initially and then the severity of the wound starts hurting and then you want fvcking vengeance, you want her to pay, you want it to fvck up her life as much as it fvcked yours up, that she suffers as she's made you suffer. everyone here...
  7. D

    I feel so depressed; just broke up with my life-long friend, need support

    i'm sorry rob. i really am and here's me wishing good on both you and her. i guess you felt you need to do it and you did it like ripping off a bandaid and that was the best way. you didn't let it drag on and fester. so good for you. you were open and honest and laid it all out. that was...
  8. D

    Someone who's making fun

    why would YOU punch him? don't touch him unless he says something about you. if he talks trash about his friends and family, hey, let THEM take care of it. what business is it of yours? delta
  9. D

    Is quiet a bad thing?

    DJIT, when they condescend to you, what do you do about it? especially if they are not friendly to you, they have no right to mock or ridicule you even in jest. do you call them on it? also, do you really come off as confident as you say you do or are you shaking hands firmly but shrinking...
  10. D

    I am fat,and it's been tough

    hey no offense meant, just a thought that semi-religion brings all the guilt but none of the comfort.... anyhoo, right, back to the topic at hand. delta
  11. D

    Women deserve respect.

    haha unrelated to the debacle at large but amusing nonetheless, wouldn't it be easier just to change your name to Michael the Archangel instead of devoting four lines in your signature insisting that you're not a chick? delta
  12. D

    I am fat,and it's been tough

    "semi-religious"?! wow, that's cruisin' for the "worst of all worlds" bruisin' ain't it? delta
  13. D

    I finally got the opportunity to get laid tonight...

    yeah, your first time is still a milestone. while you shouldn't wait for heidi klum to come around, you should be happy with your conquest. do it when you want.. not cuz you feel you should lose it. delta
  14. D

    Women deserve respect.

    ahhhhh.... well, i'll bet a lot of the squigglers thought you were a chick. anyway, other than the pronouns, my post still says what i want it too... delta
  15. D

    just my opinion on why you guys seem hopeless

    to original poster, good lord man, do you think all humans are FUNCTIONAL? we over analyze PRECISELY because it is not and NEVER WAS natural. if it comes naturally, you don't need this place. you don't need to teach a horse how to run fast. but if the horse wounded and raised by turtles...
  16. D

    Women deserve respect.

    just gotta mention how funny it is to see forums replicate society replicate biology.... girl in sosuave and she's hit with a blizzard of responses. girl in a bar, never see so many guys bumping off each other to get to her. egg in the uterus and all the urgent squiggling of sperm to get to it...
  17. D

    i'm getting killed at work....

    ha! love your signature. anyway, i do thank you again for the understanding. you are certainly right that simply to be reminded that one is not alone is great comfort. i think ultimately you're right in your prescription. but i don't think it's oneitis if you're constantly just seeing her...
  18. D

    I am fat,and it's been tough

    oh, and full disclosure - so my body fat percentage is pretty low, muscular, lean... BUT i don't do very well with women... not so much that i'm not good with them but i hardly ever meet any and broke up with the girl i was seeing at work.... so there you go. but it's still worth it for its...
  19. D

    I am fat,and it's been tough

    i'll bet there are many who would say that it IS possible to get the hottest chicks in the world with DD manbreasts. but why? yes, be as CONFIDENT AS YOU CAN RIGHT NOW, warts and all. and realize that NONE OF USE are perfect. that is something that is never said in the self-help inspired DJ...
  20. D

    I am fat,and it's been tough

    oh, go for five small meals a day instead of 3 large ones. it increases your metabolism. but look up this method before you do it! the 5 small meals look NOTHING like your standard 3! also, BEWARE LIQUID CALORIES!!! a soda is like 200 calories a can! RIDICULOUS! also fruit drinks are not...