In all honesty, the subcommunications of LSE are probably going to make Pee Wee Herman seem more alpha. You really have to think about this like Maslows Heirarchy... eccept I'm renaming it to Hero's Heirarchy:
relationships: When all of the above are complete, these just tend to happen
Social: friends including female friends
life development: have something more going for you than women, they are just along for the ride. You are the star
Self_esteem/Beliefs: Acheiving internal validation, living in your own reality
So if you follow the heirarchy, then you realize that trying to focus on self-esteem and women in one shot doesn't make any sense. You fix the lower level problems first. I just made the list up off the top of my head, so it's not literal.... I know no one will do this though, they will want the validation from women... and eventually most will get it but that is the hard way to the top.
You just have to start fixing these problems. You KNOW deep down what is wrong, you know if you have LSE, social anxiety, acne problems, weight problems, then you blow the problem out of proportion and decide it's unfixable. Almost nothing is unfixable these days, and even if it didn't really need to be fixed, the confidence boost from you THINKING your finally OK will get you women. Basically, if you think you can finally get women and feel you deserve it, then odds are it will finally happen regardless of whether that acne/axneity/LSE/old nose/etc was really hindering your success or not. Mostly the war is with yourself.
Guys often talk about being on a roll with 3-4 girls within a couple of days, then they hit a dry spell. The dry spell is usually a state reduction problem. It happens because they come off the high they were on that got them 3-4girls in 2 days to begin with. That's how powerful this stuff is, simply how you think completely changes your entire life including success with women.
I don't like to talk about the negative. Let's not focus on that. Let's focus on how we can show we have HIGH self-concept. Everyone already has some of these traits How can you tell if you have a high self-concept?
Knows what they believe in
Does Not Feel Guilty
Does not spend undue time worrying
Confident in solving problems
resists domination
sensitive to needs of others
rich vocabulary
optimisitic attitude
tendency not to talk about self
good organizational skills
good time management skills
accepts leadership roles
takes pride in grooming and dress
realizes they have something to offer
feels equal to others
accepts praise without false modesty
This is per a Phd instructor I had last semister.
If guys even took on JUST these traits alone and
really seriously took them in, then there would never
ever be a problem having women in life. I have zero
problems keeping women in my life, and I still have
my fair share of bad traits... even small improvements
make a big difference.
The msot common life position held in US is "Im not ok, you're OK". Take advantage of this... most people will automatically accept you if you seem to accept yourself. Be different. Be a rebel. Be I'm OK, you're OK.
Be I'm OK, yer not OK... just DONT BE im not ok, you're OK . Get it... lots and lots of women dont think they are OK. Will they look to someone else who also thinks he isn't OK? What validation can they get from that? Don't be a weak man. Being strong is a choice.