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  1. Suspens

    Running into an ex and her sister.

    The first time we saw each other she had a genuine happy smile on her face. I acted like a sore loser, ignored her and walked past her. Now she realizes it was all a phony immature act. "Go F yourself suspens, I can enslave any guy I want and you know it. You are a nobody" Still, I have no...
  2. Suspens

    Falling for a good friend...

    You are her 12 yrs ol girlfriend. Next time you two are out shopping ask one of your female friends to call you. Pick a hot girl as her contact photo, make sure the hoe can see your phone screen while you receive the call. After that, she will jump on your DlCK automatically.
  3. Suspens

    Men Don't Chase Women?

    I didn't say he makes my gina tingle either. You don't need to be a girl to see that, you just need to have a sense of style. He is above average. That's subjective anyhow.
  4. Suspens

    The #1 Rule of Dating in 2015

    too limiting.
  5. Suspens

    Men Don't Chase Women?

    Well then maybe you are just jealous.
  6. Suspens

    This PUA stuff is laughable

    A troll who didn't even memorize/write down his password, :crackup: . DJ Rule #100: Don't feed ze trolls.
  7. Suspens

    Too many parameters to follow in the dating game?

    You have a loser mindset. Work on that.
  8. Suspens

    Men Don't Chase Women?

    He looks like james hetfield, who is model material.
  9. Suspens

    Men Don't Chase Women?

    Yep but he does look like a guy who has all the qualities, LMS.
  10. Suspens

    lots of name calling here

    Don't assume everyone understands your native language. That was a joke moron.
  11. Suspens

    What would it take for GF to cheat on you?

    No, you are delusional. Your balls. Complacency, boredom, puppy behaviors, the girl could be seriously damaged and cheating could be a way to take revenge on society etc. .
  12. Suspens

    lots of name calling here

    Really OP? You are a fat misogynist BPD MGTOW troll beta feminazi fag if you think so.
  13. Suspens

    The quality of content on the DJ section.

    Definitely. There are too many troll accounts which have been ignored for a long time though.
  14. Suspens

    The quality of content on the DJ section.

    I hope everything is going great here.
  15. Suspens

    How are straight males called beta fags?

    Why are you still not banned? Attacking and insulting well established forum members, insulting any members with opposing views and literally contributing nothing to the forums. Gtfo you non-straight beta fag. lol, but yeah no point calling everyone a fag.
  16. Suspens

    How does a relationship with a female bring your happiness down?

    Not sure who you are talking to.
  17. Suspens

    How to avoid being a nice guy ?

    By not being one.
  18. Suspens

    Life's too short

    Take care of your health folks, both mental and physical. Today I perforated my eardrum like a fukcing idiot. That's a real loss here.