I don't see any James Hetfield in him. To me, he looks a little like Brett Favre, but goofier. But I'm not a chick, so I'm not going to find him attractive.
Doesn't matter what he or anyone else looks like. He's not the best looking guy, but he gets women from his attitude. All this 'looks matter' bs is just an excuse guys use from having a sh!tty defeatist attitude.
Well, the reason I started this thread was because I was trying to get some clarification on what he meant.
I've read most of his book now and listened to a good number of vids. I can't really sum up a book here, and nor do I deem it appropriate. You'll have to study it yourself.
But it strikes me that if you have to read something 10-15 times before you understand what he's saying, then either the subject is incredibly complicated, or he's doing a sh!t poor job of saying it.
According to Wayne, we retain approximately 7-10% of what we read (clearly the case with some people on this forum!) - Dale actually reckoned less than 30% also - http://repository.usp.ac.fj/5520/1/EDG14_Dales_Cone_of_Experience_[Compatibility_Mode].pdf
See page four.
Wayne's book is like 200-300-odd pages long - therefore 10-15 times should just about do it. And like I said, don't judge a book until you've understood it, cover to cover. And while you're at it, try not being so judgey about something you are not quite up to speed on. No offense like, just sayin.
If his video is trying to say approach chicks and be outcome dependent, why doesn't he say that? Instead of calling the video "Men who chase women are feminine and submissive"? He never once talks about approaching chicks, he talks about focusing on his friends and the chicks will approach you.
Read the book. I've never been out 'approaching' - I think it is weak and needy. I talk to women when I'm out DOING MY THING anyway. And may be that's why I like Wayne. His is an ideology, not a set of techniques.
And by the way, if all he's trying to say is be outcome dependent, there is nothing new or exciting in that. Everybody under the sun in the community says that.
A lot of people/'gurus' peddle a lot of the same messages. Wayne is not unique in that. That's because some people. like him, understand human nature a bit better than others.
What I like is the no-nonsense approach. He doesn't refer to 'game' a lot, rather just men being men, women being women and putting the purpose first, ahead of EVERYthing else. If a woman likes me, great, if not, not my problem. I've got sh!t to do anyway.
'Read the damn book'!