How would you handle this ? The call had an almost eery vibe to it, she talked a lot about herself, briefly asked what I'd been up to, I explained id been pretty busy as my grandma died this past week and id had loose ends to tie up which is true and she didn't even ask about it, just moved on...
Sorry for the delayed response, I just heard from the original Borderline, after 3 weeks NC. We spent about 2 hours on the phone, she told me she attempted suicide about 2 weeks ago, cutting her wrists open at work then attempting to jump in front of traffic in the evening before being...
To offer some funny insight into their relationship BPD 2 strangled BPD 1 in a field when they were 16 to the point where she fell almost unconscious, I've had this story told to me by them both at different times without bringing it up. Also Number 1 went out with number 2s ex and proceeded to...
It was a strange experience how she came back into contact with me, obviously I sent a threatening message when she wouldn't give me my stuff back, she gave the things back said she was going to the police blah blah blah, we don't speak for 3 weeks I wake and and BPD #2 had tagged me in a...
Sure, I'd just want to know why she chose to block me when she did. Not when I threatened her, not when I was tagged in a picture with the other borderline, not when we argued, just straight out of the blue a couple of days after a nice evening together. And if she felt that way why did she meet...
I haven't done it, I mean I know my numbers blocked but tbh if I thought there was even a 50% chance she'd speak to me for 1 minute id do it, but I know what would happen, id ring from a diff phone she'd answer and just hang up instantly once she he`rd my voice, At least this way I have my...
Things feel worse today, It's the first time since the day she blocked me 3 weeks ago I've truly felt tempted to try and call her from a different phone or something, just can't take.
I guess I've only just started to realise how awful I was, maybe if I'd been different, and not reacted with threats etc to try and get my way and start drama things could be different. Maybe seeking out the only other person on the planet who I knew had BPD and had a bad history with the...
I sort of thought that would happen when we fell out originally before I met the other girl, but blocking me on everything and then going to the police about whatever just seems so final you know ? Hard to imagine her one evening thinking hmm lemme just see how Luke's doing. I would obviously be...
It really is, as like I stated in the original post we fell out, basically went no contact for a few weeks except neither of us had the other blocked on anything, and neither tried to make contact, then after she saw the pic of me with the other Borderline, after the initial outburst she became...
This really summed it up, I mean I said and did some bad things I accept that, but she chose to block me a couple of days after what id consider a lovely evening together, out of the blue. No angry messages, no phone call just gone. Still 3 weeks in there's nothing I wouldn't give to talk to her...
I guess this is the hardest to hear of all, as even though I only knew mine for 6 months it felt so important, more so than anything I've ever experienced and since she blocked me almost 3 weeks ago now I've thought about her non stop almost daily, and well I guess she's barely thought of me. I...
I guess one thing is due to my ridiculously childish / pathetic behaviour I can probably bank on the fact that she'll be out my life forever, given that she's blocked me on everything and gone to the police about something a random " hey how are you" seems unlikely
I mean I do realise it could be much worse, we're now well over 2 weeks since original blocked me on everything and went NC. It's just quite unlucky the other girl went away I guess
I think I chose to leave things out that didnt directly impact me as I tried to keep short as possible she has various self harm scars on arms / legs but as far as I'm awar no longer cuts. One night we had a great dinner and she asked to stop in this car park on the seafront where she broke...
I play poker full time, mainly online MTTs. I tend to leave the house 1-2 nights a week to play live at the local casino but it's a fairly small cash game so it's just to be social. No real good friends but some friendly aquaintences I've been trying to get back in contact with
Nothing bad, mostly just our time together when things were good. I seem to only remember the good when I'm alone with my thoughts. I find it easier to be detached when I've worked myself up and feel annoyed at her, but when i let things simmer in my head and just reflect on the few months I...
I start to feel better for a few hours then have flashbacks and crumble We also live in a fairly small secluded place so most local restaurants / bars / shopping places sorta remind me of her. She literally lived 2-3 miles from me tops
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