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  1. I

    How many did you DO in 2005?

    Two, but I f*****g busted my neck open in the middle of the summer in a stupid ass car accident, so here I am. I am fine now, but I got lots of time to make up :rolleyes:
  2. I

    Do some women enjoy groveling?

    OK, lemme tell you why I ask this. It seems whenever I have bothered a chick with my desperate attention, she is more likely to respond to a first date at least. Whenever I play that cool and aloof a$$hole, it seems there are no fish biting. What is the happy medium between desperate...
  3. I

    Ya, I'm one of the short guys out there.

    Hey man, I came SO very close to getting killed a few months ago. I was in a coma. A few more inches either way, I wouldn't be sitting here piping in on this height thread. I'm doing good now. My perspective was knocked into reality after what I went through. I'm alive, and I'm gonna...
  4. I

    How to Recover from Drunk phone Calls?

    Damn this is hilarious. godjwood, don't ever fvcking do that again. Let this be a lesson to you. It's one of the most self-defeating moves you can make if you're really interested in a chick. I made a drunken phone call back in May and I turned a budding LTR with an HB into a...
  5. I

    The truth about Pick-Up Artists - Whats your opinion of this website?

    Who the hell uses dumbfvck neg hits like the ones in that article? If you use the nose wiggle one or the shirt/liquor store one, you are lame. IMO, a good neg hit is built into a conversation and is delivered most forcefully with subtlety and intelligence, sometimes to the point where the...
  6. I

    why cheating hurts the cheater most

    This is truly a thread after my own heart. I am a Cheater. It's like being an alcoholic. If you ever were, you always will be. I believe I've overcome (or at least faced) the shortcomings inherent to my personality which led me to cheat on my wife of 7 years. Get this - we divorced and I...
  7. I

    i think i have a crush : )

    Dude you sound embarassed or something. As if you're less of a man for that. You're human for chrissakes, don't be ashamed of your desires, for the body or the company of a woman. Now that you have this crush you must go with it and try handle it like a true Don Juan. It's your chance...
  8. I

    do all women cheat?

    Looking at the flipside, do all men have the capacity to cheat? I believe there are people with enough self-respect in this world who would be strong and courageous enough to extricate themselves from a bad relationship before getting caught up in a web of lies. So to answer your question...
  9. I

    Doing pretty these days but I can't seem too...

    I like fiesty Woman...but this young chick does it for me you know... Jaun_Don said as she dug her spike heel deeper into his shoulder blade :D Love ya dude! Merry Christmas! Hopefully Santa brings you a chick who shows some respect.
  10. I

    I'm "too pretty"

    AMEN to that brother! :D This thread has turned into a real bytchfest, what with you guys having your little "E-Entertainment" squabble about young actors and other of you looking a little too closely at fellow members and judging their physical merits. Yes, what a turn! :cool:
  11. I

    damn...I must be doing something right...

    Am glad for you JD, hope it works out and you find some satisfaction. You have led us down this road a few times before and I think the members of this discussion forum are collectively waiting for the other shoe to drop :( Good luck man!
  12. I

    DAMMIT! Missed an obvious come-on

    What that joker dude said, seriously. The sooner you get it into your head that this shyt is a 24/7 task, the sooner you'll be on your toes at all times and not let the easy stuff slip through. Happens to me still and really tinges your life with regret :mad:
  13. I

    Pathetice Nice Guy Move

    Well how funny this thread is. I came in a little late and I thought it was a put-on at first. Liberty, this game of gaming chicks is not a black/white affair. There are more grays that us as men even know how to handle. Look at the alternative. She could have asked you to open the...
  14. I

    Hinted that i should visit her place, need some cooking tips...

    Hey if you've never cooked, don't start with anything too complex or difficult. Spaghetti is one of those dishes you can go a$$-out (making the sauce from scratch, cooking up some bread, etc). I love to cook man, I love to make my own marinara sauce from scratch, and I roll my own meatballs...
  15. I

    Fallen victim to a Female DJ.

    Dude you've just described a deep AW. She doesn't fit all your normal stereotypes of what an AW "should" be, but she pushes that bubble and dresses it up with her own special highfaluten BS and you fall for it cause you love highfaluten BS. She knows how to tailor her pitch and she knows what...
  16. I

    Your 2nd line of offense against the "I have a boyfriend" line

    Better yet if she calls your bluff and looks at you with wild psycho eyes and says "OK, here's his address" <extends slip of paper and it's NOT her phone number> :crackup:
  17. I

    TOO much eye contact????

    LOL Oh man, this really isn't funny, but someone with a serious chemical imbalance in the brain asking about too much eye contact :eek: Dude, were you on the Red line the other day sitting across the aisle from me? That was indeed TOO much eye contact:confused:
  18. I

    Optimum distance for best EC?

    Hey so I've noticed that I get good EC when I'm about 20-30 feet from the chick. I've held staring contests at this distance (gotta break in with a smile before it just seems like you're maddogging each other). I've gotten good healthy EC at shorter distances but usually it lasts a few...
  19. I

    oh boy...remember that psycho young one?

    Dude, this is a fair and honest self-assesment. That being said, it's time to step back and figure out what inner flaws you got working that keep perpetuating this weird shyt you keep tormenting Sosuave with. If it means not being with someone, that's life. Fix yourself first and don't...
  20. I

    What type of girls You like ?

    I like brunettes with cat eyes and wide mouths. Seen Sarah Silverman? That's what I'm talking about :)