just dumb
i read the two articles you mentioned and i thought they were just dumb
i'm not an expert pua or practitioner of the mystery method but what i do know is that neg hits and ****y / funny are only a small fraction of the whole system, do you think your car would work if it only had 1 wheel? probably not!
it's funny how they were talking about hitch and how the main characters got the girl at the end because they were nice and genuine, reality check, they got the girl in the end because it was a movie, ie not real life, everybody knows that movies that end in happy endings make more money, duh!!! also, don't you think i would love to be in a situation where i could just be myself and just be a genuine guy and girls love me for it? in the real world this is not the case!!! basing your advice on what you see in movies written by guys who were probably not very successful with girls when they were younger and therefore had to develop other skills such as movie making and writing doesn't give you any credibility at all
telling me that naturally charismatic guys get the girls is somewhat redundant advice don't you think? i wasn't born into a wealthy family, i'm not that great looking and i don't have much of a personality, does that mean that i should just give up, find a hole somewhere and just wait to die? does that mean that i should step aside and let all of the supposedly "great guys" get all the action... the thing is that a year ago i would have thought so
don't you think i want to be that great charismatic guy who everyone adores, hell yes, of course i do, but how do i get there? i can't just go out and buy a bottle of charisma and wake up the next day and everything is sweet
now, at least i have some hope and focusing on neg hits is not the answer, the answer is in having a game plan and applying it in the field, that's what guys like mystery teach
i've thought about this a lot lately, especially since i have been hanging around with my old friends and guys from high school a lot more lately and noticed that they are just naturally alpha guys, the thing is that i've really had to develop these qualities in myself, they have not been something that i have naturally been born with
in doing this i find that it's much easier to fit into a social situation and to hold my own ground, these guys naturally use ****y comedy, in the past i didn't know, how to handle it, but now i know what to do
even though i haven't mastered these skills yet, i can see the value in it, when i speak to girls i still sense that they think i'm a bit of a creep, but that's only natural, to them i'm just a random stranger and i'm still learning the skills of social interaction
it's like learning to play a musical instrument like the piano, at first you are not very good at it and your family don't want you to play it because it just sounds dumb, but you persist until one day you can play all of the right notes, then it sounds good but it has no personality, so you persist until you know the music so well that you can inject your own personality and vibe to the music and it feels like you are in tune with the audience, you can't get to becoming a master musician if you don't go through the awkward initial stages, just except that is what is supposed to happen and know that if you persist you will get better, this stuff takes years, not days or weeks
what does brad pitt do? he's an actor, his life revolves around pretending to be someone that he's not, but it's ok, why? because he's good at what he does, so get good and people won't criticize you anymore
i've been thinking about this a lot lately and although my social skills are not perfect, i'm a hell of a lot better than what i was before and at least i'm no longer the shy guy at the dinner table who doesn't ever have anything to say
don't you think i want to be the wonderful man of her dreams? of course i do? but life isn't that simple, you can't just go out to the supermarket and buy your way into being a super charismatic wow fun great guy, you have to work at it and mystery and others like him are offering us a way to bridge the gap between where we are now and where we want to be
it's no secret, the wonderful great charismatic confident guys get the girls, but how do you do that?
that's why this article is dumb because it's telling us what we have to do but now how to go about doing it, at the same time it's negging one of the best learning opportunities that we will ever have (the how) that of learning from other guys who have done this stuff
and the thing about the scientists? wtf? who cares what scientists think about women? the whole speed dating thing is dumb because the first thing we learn when studying this stuff is to avoid typical dating situations and to use our natural strengths to control the environment so that we are more likely to succeed, the question is... who would do better in the real world? i've been to a speed dating event and it's just for guys who are too chicken to ask for the girls number, if guys weren't afraid to ask girls for the contact details then they wouldn't need the organisers to intervene
whatever, the article is a serious waste of space, the advice is redundant and she obviously have no ideal what it is like to be a man in this competitive new world of ours (one who is not born with good looks, money and a great personality)