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    pink shirts

    I hate Pink and I would never wear it but that's just my personal preference. Has nothing to do with self-imposed gender mores or affectations. Dude, if you like pink, wear it, why bother asking some stupid s**t like that? It's what is underneath the shirt that should carry your game. If...
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    crush said NO-ihow not to get hurt

    JH6 is right. Regardless of whether you make actual moves on other interesting chicks, the point is to have them in mind. Keep the possibilities in mind. The rejections aren't so stinging when you know that tomorrow chick number 1-B might still smile and listen to your bullshyt :D
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    I'm being constantly hit on by chicks...

    Well now THAT is a scary thought for all the fledgling Casanova's around here :cool: FYI, UG's never hit on me at the mall. In fact, HB's don't either! LOL :confused:
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    oh god im dead man im dead

    10 Bucks is correct, but the whole point of this site is NOT to be like the other guys.
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    oh god im dead man im dead

    hungry, don't even worry about her now. She probably got what SHE wants. Let this be a lesson: anyone can be a TOOL :eek:
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    oh god im dead man im dead

    hungry_american, you may think you are the bigger man right now...but really dude. What were your intentions straight up? Were you there to phvck with this other dude? Did you just want an endless and perptetual lay? Was the fact you are shipping out to Dead Man's Land have anything to...
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    Should I approach her?

    Scott: How old the f**k are you? Do you respect yourself? Do you respect your ability to be a man? Do you know that you will have absolutely no control or influence in this chick's shytty life? Worse yet, even though you are experiencing the joys of being wanted (ie, emotional tampon)...
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    A little insight...

    Oh Jaun :woo: I followed your previous disaster with the sign-girl, and when you mentioned this brand new chick I actually held out some hope... Of course, that was before I read this post. Dude are you seeking the Sosuave Punching Bag Championship title? Don't even tell me you guys...
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    Feeling near suicidal - please help

    Dude you're thinking of offing yourself cause of some User Bytch Slag. Think about it man. If that hasn't opened your eyes and instilled in you the serious urge to right your ship, doom is waiting for you.
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    L.I.T. she is getting worse man...

    JD, let me start by saying that I do not want to come down on you too harshly. We all go through our own personal shytty situations which we look back on after time has healed the wounds and we think "WTF was I thinking?" I hope you can look back at this one day with the same indifferent but...
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    how to...

    Don't assume anything dude. Most importantly, don't assume that you can have any of these 3 chicks, and don't assume that fishing off the company pier doesn't eventually entail some hard-a$$ implications, take it from the Idiotic Yours Truly :mad:
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    Being "cute", good or bad thing.

    Cute could mean any number of things depending on the woman. Some women might use it to mean "funny" or "sexy" or "nice" or "charming" or "corny" could mean literally anything. Don't let your head explode trying to interpret her subtext. You know her better than us; what do you think...
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    I would suggest passing up on a movie and make dinner casual. Don't know where you live, it could movies are your main option. Here in LA it's HOT so a nice walk on the 3rd St Promenade in Santa Monica would be cool and some drinks or coffee. It is my opinion (for all it's worth)...
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    surely this is a good sign right?

    Damn not funny but oh so very funny. This is like watching a f****g train wreck :mad: Juan Don dude, you pretty much thought yourself into oblivion with this fiasco. I hope your spine grew a little thicker through this or it was a thorougly wasted lesson.
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    Should I date women who have kids

    Wyldire has it right. I am coming from the other end of the spectrum. I have so much love to give, so much attention to any woman out there who I find it fit to do so with.... However, my little son will always win the battle. As well he should. No questions asked. I guess that is...
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    Relationship getting a little boring...

    TR: Truer words have NEVER been spoken so eloquently. I wish I had the "Mature Man" option when I was young and stupid.
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    is she playing hard to get or what?

    Bill and less4u give you good advice. You guys have talked "here and there." What does that mean? I think you gotta spend some more "here" time with her and show her *****y a$$ that you are worth her time.
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    Worst thing you have done when drunk

    I've called chicks and said the most stupid shyt in the world. Suddenly they start fnding other "interests"... :(
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    she dissed me- did I overreact?

    Is what she did appropriate? Is how she comported herself at the party in your presence appropriate? Was your behavior there wussiness incarnate? These are questions we could bat around all week and not really have a satisfactory answer. That is up to you to repair...
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    ever picked up a married chick? advice for other..

    Re: Re: my story... Thank you dude, you said it ALL. I was with a married lady who had kids. You can justify it all you want, you can say her husband is a f**k-up, he doens't know how to treat her, whatever. The truth of the matter is that the only reason any man would be with a married...