Another one of these threads huh... ok:
- "Cute" face, more like the "girl-next-door" type than a model. Being in college, these aren't too hard to find

They have to be hot without a lot of makeup... the cute ones usually are. The beauty queen is always nice but there is just something that turns me on about the cute innocent look.
- 45 kg (about 100 lbs) is right on target.... if they weigh more than 130 lbs, they are just too big for my liking. This is not much to ask though since I prefer them to be short at 4'11" to about 5'5". Doesn't matter their looks.... if she is a giant I don't want her... and I have decided against girls because of this before.
- Average boobs, not too big, but smaller ti-ts can be sexy too. B or C cup is ideal.
- Blondes and brunettes are both great, but I prefer brunettes usually. The absolute BEST hair color is light brown, preferably with some blonde highlights in it... oh yeah....
- Eye color is not that important, all colors are nice. However, if I had to pick it would be bright green eyes. I saw a blonde with bright emerald green eyes once and she was so hot. Eyes can really make or break you. If I think back though I have probably been attracted to more brown-eyed girls than any other color..... but probably just because they're so common.
- Body should just be a decent hourglass shape, as long as her hips are wider than her waist and her as-s fills her jeans pretty well. Nice legs are a plus as well.
- Smaller things that I notice are how their hands look (preferably non-granny hands, haha), and if they have pretty feet (yeah I like feet, but not a fetish or anything, lol).
- One thing I am completely turned off by are girls who look slu-tty. I have no idea why you would want a girl who has obviously already fu-cked an entire football team and their grounds crew, but I guess to each his own.
- Unfortunately, after the initial screening test, the majority of girls who pass go on to fail the personality test.