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  1. I

    Age Differences In Dating

    Hell yeah there were some. I just wanted to flip their switches and let them appreciate by youth! My 2 favorites - one LTFB who I was with from about 25 through 30, sporadically. She was about 13 years older than me. When I was 35 I was with a 53 year old - that is more exteme, granted...
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    Age Differences In Dating

    Frankly I could never be in a relationship with a woman under 30. There are just too many generational discrepancies to overcome. However, if you're talking FB...that is another matter. If you are older but keep yourself in prime shape, there are the occassional young chicks who will dig...
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    Wht rating would you give her. she is an indian

    Does it really matter to you what we think? If you are happy with her, and she satisfies your needs, who the hell cares what we rate her? Are you volunteering her to us, cause I'd certainly take her. :crackup: Sorry, hate to play the part of the straightlaced hardass here, but I...
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    Dude, that's not even May-December. That's more like January 15-February 3 :wave: Is your freedom worth it?
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    How often do girls check you out?

    I think I get looked at by about 90% of the women out there. I always get looked at by about 95% of the men, about 85% of the children, and definitely, 100% of the dogs and cats that cross my path. Dude this is a little boy's mind game, an exercise in ego neediness. Is that your sole means...
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    Worst Turn down Ever

    Some broad called me a pedophile and made a fuss of it. She was 19, I was 40. Rather than stick around and argue that we are both adults, I just scooted. :confused:
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    From a woman: "Why Nice guys suck"

    NICE is not the problem I don't believe nice as in gentle, thoughtful, altrustic is the culprit here. I believe you can be a nice human being and still possess a pair of 16lb balls. Being an ass, being a selfish prick, being a rude wretch...none of these traits will qualify you as a "Don...
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    how big is too big?

    Ditto, man! I had a car accident last year and I really was phucked up. When I was released from the hospital, I weighed a whopping 128lbs!! Due to my injuries (neck, rib, organs, you name it) I could not lift a weight until about 6 months after my accident. I pretty much weighed 130ish for...
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    Womanly behavior, and those who justify it...

    Right on Edger. If we could only be true to our principles, and just for once, shun our egos, we would act as we want without fear of consequence from women's opinions and / or judgements. We are battling 2 things: 1) our own egos & 2) the capricious nature of Woman.
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    Horny Goat Weed - that's a silly name

    It's ALL placebo, dude. I tried it a couple years ago and on the bus on the way to work I sprang an impromptu bon*r and I was amazed...however, when it came time to *really* need it, I didn't notice squat. It's all BS, save the money. Like the guys before me have said, physical fitness...
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    Stop intellectualizing and obsessing - your ONLY chance of success

    This a right-on thread for the mature folks around here. Ties in to this classic but under-read wisdom from Joekerr31 a few months ago:
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    how do you handle....

    Putting the carriage before the horse is the perfect metaphor for this situation. If she really has this connection with the other dude, your presence in her world is merely symbolic.
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    Routine Rough Draft...

    Does! :eek: Where do you guys get all the time? If I were to fit all that into my routine I would be about an hour late to work every day.
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    My picture

    Didn't he plow his plane into the water?
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    Someone reccomend a good non-sneaker shoe...

    There are a few brands I like with jeans when I wear nicer/dressy button up or polo's rather than my standard t-shirt faire ... Lugz & Skechers are good "urban" shoes, and as the previous dude said, Doc Martens, although those seem to be played out around here (LA). If you're wearing...
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    Sexualize conversations....turn talking into flirting. Need tips.

    Dunno man, anyone can interject SEX into a conversation, doesn't take a rocket scientist to do that, however, if you do it slyly and with mysterious subtlety, it's so much more powerful. That, I believe, is something that doesn't just happen. Cleverness and instinct are hard to teach...some...
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    What Went Wrong With This chick?

    I really don't think a married woman is the proper context against which to guage your DJ skills. There are way too many other factors at play here that have nothing to do with your abilities. It's like trying to judge your pitching skills by blowing balls past some 11-yr-old Little Leaguer.
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    what does typical DJ look like?

    Those people are full of hogwash. If you're befriending them because you want to get into their pants or because you want their opinions on relationships, then yes, that's the road to hell. However, befriending women in order to acclimate yourself to the female psyche or to get relevant...
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    I really don't understand about the whole University degree hype

    So what is wrong with the concept of learning for the sake of learning? I can't say with certainty, but I suspect that the idea of going to the university as a "vocational" school is a modern phenomena. I went to school with certain goals, with the intent of expanding upon my existing field of...
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    How about a date at my house

    Where do YOU live? Here in LA, Thanksgiving night is bustling. Families have their dinners, their get-togethers, usually it's all over by 6 or 8, that's when bars and bowling alleys and theaters can rake in the $$$. Do something late. Other option, be patient. Put it off til next...