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  1. I

    Hot chicks are nicer!!!

    Dude man, that's a broad brushstroke you're painting chicks with. I've known ugly-ass chicks who had hearts of gold and I've known attractive women who were fledgling witches. This said, knowing the nature of woman (competitive and catty as hell), the fact that an hb9 & hb3 were sharing...
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    I have ODD

    :whistle: LOL ODD frequently manifests itself at the onset of male puberty and usually subsides with emotional maturity (unless you end up in prison first). Also known as DTD (Defiant Teenager Disorder). It does in fact prevent complete transition into DJ-hood, but luckily, most females...
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    My favorite apprehension about buffing out is the "well chicks will think you will pay more attention to your body than to them..." Uh yeah! No shyt Sherlock :) If I don't pay attention to my body, if I don't put my heart and soul into making it the finest piece of machinery it can...
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    Got a Drink Thrown at Me

    <confusion> Is there something you're not telling us? Your line, while being a Neg, and maybe a little uncalled for, was not really that clever and it sure as hell wasn't funny enough to get the whole group laughing unless they were stoned as shyt.
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    Why is it that All Races of Dudes in the USA only like the Hot White Babes

    I think your point is correct - white women are more likely to be the ultimate aspiration of lots of dudes. Reasons? Who knows. Is it media-driven, cultural, or what? Personally, I prefer women who have an ethnic look. Dark hair, darker eyes, even darker skin..but that is just me, not the...
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    How old is the oldest woman you have laid?

    53 :o Ha! I was 35. She hit on me on a weekday afternoon at a bar in Hollywood. We had a "one-afternoon stand" and she could f**k like a beast. No regrets. She wasn't great or bad looking but she was slender and energetic. :wave:
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    Protein and Constipation

    Hey man, first thing, get to a Dr. Once that is cleansed from your mind, start balancing your diet out. Even if you gotta take Metamucil!
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    how do i get this stud's body?

    Holy Lardass Batman. You bast*rd! Saturday, the only night I allow myself to have an iota of alcohol. Came home about 10:30, had half a chicken dinner, veggies, stuff, Guiness & Jack Daniels to wash it down, feeling content. Get home, still hungry. Heat up the last of the roast I made...
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    dating - no mobile phone, no car, no money spent :)

    Hats off to you, man. I'm surrounded, day in, day out, by people make a fraction of your salary but who spend themselves into the ground in order to present the appearance of someone in your income bracket. You obviously have a sound head on your shoulders and I would be flabbergasted if you...
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    Recommendations on the BIG Three. Get Educated...

    Liver!! :eek: My mom would make that at least once every couple of months and it was a struggle! I'm older now and my tastes have changed. Think I'll find myself a good recipe and go at it! Are there any good recipes?? I envision a good liver recipe as one that drowns the meat in other...
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    Kind of a weird anchor, but it works!

    I think... Your idea is half-baked! :wave: Meaning, I thing the planting of evidence absent your presence is a good idea. The same principle applies with cologne or soap - if the date goes well or even OK, the existence of your remaining scent(s) will serve as a reminder to the chick of...
  12. I

    Worse online to in person encounter

    I knew this chick, worked with her... She was 5'3"ish and easily weighed over 200lbs... Yet, she took the most awsome face shots! Saw guy after online guy bite based on that alone. A handful stuck around, tons of others AWOL!:nervous: Photos are OK, but take them with a grain of...
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    wrist problems when bench pressing

    Came alarmingly close to that a couple months ago! As it was, I jammed my right wrist and bruised the hell outta my ribcage/pectoral area. A lesson learned :confused:
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    whats the best time to work out

    I don't think there is a "best" time. The best time is the time you have the most time and feel most comfortable with. You'll have to acclimate yourself to the time of day - physically, stay with the time and dont' switch from days to nights and back and forth. My time is 6am, and some...
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    Overcoming Failure with Women

    I have a new word I came up with that I think describes you based on what you've said and my intuitive sense... pedestalizing "failure with women?" What the hell? How have you failed with women? Maybe you've failed to hook up with them, failed to dazzle them with your resume, failed...
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    Strange man-hating commerical

    Amen to that. I'm already seeing to it that my 9-yr-old son does NOT wait until mid-age to see the light as his father did.... :o
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    Alcohol and my life/game

    Buddy, only YOU, and ONLY you, know if your drinking is a problem. If after this realization you continue drinking too much, then it is time to step back. The predominant thought with all the dudes here is that drinking and booze helps their confidence, hence, their game... 1st of all...
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    Smile is not always full proof

    As you said, it's all about context. There is no single incident of body language which exists in a vacuum. A smile is better than a frown or raised eyebrows, however, it is not a green light. This where the other factors come into play. The context. I have a female buddy and sometimes...
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    I think my girlfriend is cheating on me

    Easy for me to say, so I'll say it: Leave her ass and never look back. If you two have common business to take care of, do that, consider it a business deal, close it, do what you gotta do, but MOVE on. Close your heart down and take care of this like a man. It is so obvious you're not...
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    whats the ideal intensity?

    Dude LOL :eek: 20 seconds after finishing a set I'm still catching my breath!