Hats off to you, man.
I'm surrounded, day in, day out, by people make a fraction of your salary but who spend themselves into the ground in order to present the appearance of someone in your income bracket.
You obviously have a sound head on your shoulders and I would be flabbergasted if you were to tell me women are you #1 priority. I'm sure they are on your list of "to-do" items but I doubt your life revolves around pu$$y. Which is fine!
My guess is that you are of strong character (especially for your age) and that even though you may be quirky about money and spending it, you have your $hit together and you are set for a while.
Don't change a thing
unless you want to! Don't go buying phones other crap just because you wanna hook up with bytches. Hook up in spite of having those material must-haves and I can guarantee you the chicks you do get will be keepers. Your state of being filters out the riff-raff