I watch out for sexual harrasment accusations.
I make it a personal policy to never have sexual or intimate relationships with anyone from a work place. I've seen someone from an old work place charged with sexual harassment befor. Stay away! is my advice.
As for fantasies its best not to...
ValleyDJing hit the nail on the head here. This is what I basically said in another post.
The word "SLUT" should be taken out of the DJ vocabulary.
One of the MAIN reason why women are so uptight with guys is because they dont want to be label as SLUTS.
*Simply put it guys call women "sluts"...
The word "SLUT" should be taken out of the DJ vocabulary.
One of the MAIN reason why women are so uptight with guys is because they dont want to be label as SLUTS.
*Simply put it guys call women "sluts". Women defend themselves with anti-slut b*tch shielding. (Its a vicious circle. And it is...
(Hey I went out with my teacher years ago. well thats besides my point)
Unless she gives you IOI from her DONT ask her out. You create a very awkward situation.
And the absolute worst thing that could happen is some female coworker/teacher etc. presses sexual harrassment charges agaisnt you...
Historically some of the biggest female players are STRIPPERS. They just want whats in your wallet. And they have no intent in going home with you.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (thats whats its all about to them. Not sex.)
You got the wrong ideal. (no offence or anything dude)
They are GOLD DIGGERS who play men for material gains.
They are either playing you for money or just playing you like a circus monkey for amusement. They want to know how BEAUTIFUL they are and how much POWER they have over men. The LAST...
Francisco d'Anconia hit the nail on the head. They are all basically players (with a few minor exceptions).
Women use their looks all the time to manipulate guys.
Even the whole concept of a women putting on makeup is a tool to manipulate perception on how a guy sees her.
The sad thing is...
Its quite possible she's playing "rappo". Meaning she turns you on deliberatly but as soon as you make a move she'll shoot you down. 'Why' you ask. Because some of them wants to figure out how "pretty" they are and are just using you like a tool.
Its a power trip to them to see how many guys...
If your not an American then you dont deal with the same problems. You dont have to deal with Opra, Dr Phil show and Cosmopolitan & Vogue magazine etc. putting nonsense into women's head. You dont have to deal with femine nazis and watch Tv commercials constantly putting men down since your...
No its about being labeled as a pervert and being lumped together with "pedophiles". Its not what other peer groups think its how society ostracizes and treats you.
Not getting that promotion at work? Last hired first fired? Getting second hand service at a restaurant?
Yeah so I'm curious:
How many younger women did you have?
What was the age gap between you two?
I'm sorta of wondering if you get alot of stares from people when your out in public with her. I sorta felt odd and unsomfortable when I went out with this much younger women. Our age...
The problem with girls who joins a Muay Thai gym it seems alot of them end up looking too masculine after awhile. Its not as bad as in other martial arts. I just find women who over work thier upper body too much look unappleaing.
Hoppping she's not the type that over muscularize themselves too...
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