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    use some deductive reasoning!!

    Re: The beauty of analogy is in its presentation of effective imagery to convey an idea to another mind, like a virus through the air, by using minimal words. I'll change the home, and obviously its ineffective in that, people MIGHT take it to mean you can build muscle like a home. There...
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    When You Ask For More, Why Don't You Get?

    Because, you don't believe you've gotten anything! Sounds SIMPLE, as it always does, but very often the mind shadows and clouds the truth... When you're setting goals, or asking for more either under the law of attraction, or in general, how can one GET more, if you don't realize you've...
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    Would You Bang A 15, 16, or 17 Yr Old?

    Re: I did a 17old when I was 24. She JUST finished HS. Total consent. Shyt, she was pushing it. She told me I WAS TIMID at first. Course, she definately looked all the part of a future stripper...broken home, mom dad divorced, twin older brothers, both f-ups, one with a kid...the girl didn't...
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    use some deductive reasoning!!

    Re: Expanding on Warboss Alex's post... 1) To get bigger, to add more "cells", and therefore mass of some kind, you MUST eat more. Are we in agreement on this? 2) Then it begs the question, how much? Well, as stated before, it isn't a precise number. It can't be. The energy equation...
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    Get ready to live in a FEMA camp, sucker!

    Re: Yes, sai. You say true, I say thankya. I deal in lead, shall these cowardly fellows seek death or containment of me. (Fantastic book). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I realize that America is perhaps ONE of the last vestiges of personal freedom to SAY, DO, BELIEVE, HAVE, KNOW, WANT, NEED, etc...
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    Get ready to live in a FEMA camp, sucker!

    Re: Knew about it awhile ago. Didn't know the company. It WILL have ties to the white house. Not for Katrina. Why would you build concentration/detention camps for an emergency? Theoretically, you could set off Nukes in some area, house survivors OR the remainder of the public that...
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    Who Killed John O'Neill? (Google Video)

    Check this video out soon, as it might not last long on google. It's 1.5 hours, so let it dl, then come back. Make sure you have a reasonable connection, OR patience. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another 9/11 video, that adds in elements from Al Qaeda and linking theories between the WHO...
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    Calories to Consume?

    Re: For guys that are "skinny Fat", go the gym. Girls dislike the MOSt super-skinny guys, and if there's ONE guy lowest on the evolutionary totum pole it would be the super skinny fat guy, or super skinny guy. At least if you've got SOME belly fat, and add muscle, you have muscle, strength, and...
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    Your personal BF-losing experience

    Re: My personal understanding of fat-loss... [] Don't view it as a diet, view it as a way of life. Eat good, well-rounded, balcned, meals Sunday Through Thursday, or Monday through Friday. Don't be hard on yourself if you lose it a little bit on Saturday and Sunday, or Friday. For instance...
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    NFL Thread

    Re: Teams also make huge revenue, like the Pats, by charging exhorbitant rates on parking, advertising, upperclass box office tickets, visits, fan involvement events, special channels, and yes, how good the team does thereby influencing merchandise sales. The New Orleans Saints FINALLY sold...
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    dated a 20 year old, what is the next move?

    Re: Drill this into your beliefs... Age is irrelevant, it's all about MUTUAL INTEREST. If you want to date a divorced milf, you can't be thinking she's 10 or 20 years older than your, or has kids. If you want to date girls 10 years younger, or just finishing HS, you can't be worried...
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    NFL Thread

    Re: I've heard that. They want to re-arrange the cap so that vets can stay on board with the drafting team, or any long-term team, without as much of a cap hit. In previous decades, guys would be kept on the same team, but with Free Agency, and cap-savy Gm's, people manage the cap to buy or...
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    NFL Thread

    Re: Nothing shocks me, except how BADLY Carolina is doing. Anything that appears a LOCK isn't. Evidently Deshaun Foster, while he has the TENURE to be the main back, isn't MAIN back quality. Behind the same line in the same game, Williams did 3 times the damage. There will be a changing of the...
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    lying tricep extensions / powerlifting

    Re: If you choose to use isolation movements because you've maxed out on compound movements and can't make progress until your complementary muscles catch up, then you would go barbell first, then dumbbells. The barbell allows for greater maximal weight. I prefer the curl bar, because of the...
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    Best Bodywash for College-Age Kid?

    Re: Er, no body wash? I remember back in college, I talked to a girl who only used Oil of Olay, because it didn't give off that soapy scum residue that clogs pores. IMO, all those fragrances are bad, except for the occasional cologne to spice things up, because they're not natural. That, and...
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    Naked Playboy Chick giving "relationship" advice

    Re: 1. Photo shoot first. Dating advice second. Ever read Maxim? They've interviewed Jessica Simpson, yet I don't think she was directing her dating advice to NON-hollywood, NON-high net worth, NON-celebrity types like us. Jessica dumped Nick b/c she didn't want her image shredded like...
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    my girl tells me she is dying for romance?wtf does she mean?

    Re: Perspective....make sure you, the male, understand you're not some entertainment prop. I'm not saying "dump her," but if you reversed the situation and asked her to be MORE PORNOGRAPHIC, how would she take it? Is it a kind nudging of some experimental love, or is it trying to ascribe to...
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    MUST READ: This is how u get big.

    Re: I agree with ^. You guys, esp. the vets, should have seen this coming miles away. Would you take advice from a PT who can't speak? I can dismiss poor spelling here and there, but if you're so worldly and intelligent, then you must have caught on with basic english and literary...
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    Anyone had luck using NLP?

    Re: This has been touched upon elsewhere, but I'll revisit it. NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING = NLP. The brain WAS programmed from birth with perceptions, realizations, and understandings of reality, or what is PERCEIVED as reality. But LIFE, is only perceptions. A rich person, or one who...
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    Protein/Eggs Question

    Re: If you want an understanding of cholesterol, get Dr Gregory Ellis' Diet Secret Pdf booklet. A doctor, so his opinion is well worth it. Over 600 pages, so it's chock full of great nutritional info. There's a host of sites that fight the heresy on cholesterol. In most cases, it's the LACK of...