Search results

  1. A

    Taking the Red Pill & my LTR.

    Re: Great foresight and objective insight. Whatever you choose, as long you're happy with you choose is the best choice. The "mind" of society is to be on this "escalator" heading toward some supposed, pre-ordained destiny. The social mind would say. 1.Childhood. 2.Education...
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    A Conversation With a Friend.

    Re: Concepts: [Grow the positive, turn away from the negative] [Every moment in life is unique] [When a woman decides, don't fight back with logic] [Be with a woman who's as excited or more excited to hear from you, than you are her.] Most times guys miss the BIG BIG cue...she's...
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    A Conversation With a Friend.

    I'm posting in the MATURE section, as I'm 26 in 2 weeks, and, well, that qualifies me, doesn't it? That, and the "friend" I am referring to is just over 40. I wouldn't qualify him as AFC, especially because I'm so sick of seeing the world from the highly technical vantage point so very many...
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    How do I go about converting fat to muscle?

    Re: As reiterated by the above posters. Fat is fat, muscle is muscle. By dropping fat, you expose any muscle you might have. You can't spot reduce. Fat is dropped from the extremities, such as the face, legs, buttocks, and then works inward to the belly, hips, waist, and chest. Your...
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    I Caught Genital Warts!

    Re: Would you go camping without properly knowing the lay of the land, the risks, and being properly prepared? Would you take pills or drugs without knowing the risks? I shouldn't be surprised many guys don't know this, but this is exactly how it occurs. Genital Warts, as it has been...
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    Further Encouragement of Eating Fats.

    Re: I like that oil. I've bought it before. Keep it in the fridge and just lick it off a spoon once or twice a day. I didn't find anything to mix it with. But then again, it's quicker down it that way anyways. I would eat fats year round, but if you're cutting, up the portion to represent...
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    Further Encouragement of Eating Fats.

    When consuming fats, be they nuts, egg yolks, peanut butter, oils, or fats contained in meat and fish, the health benefits are not widely overlooked. Atkins aided the progression of diet by suggesting a focus on protein and fats, but he went too far because he suggest not counting calories and...
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    The Attractor Factor, ever read it A-Unit?

    Re: I haven't, but I'll search for it, or get it, thanks. A book similar to it that was written by Esther Hicks of the same movie is titled "Ask and It Is Given." He has read many books like this, and regards it as one of the best on the topic related to The Secret. You can call the...
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    bulking and waist?

    Re: The abs are constantly worked in everyday life. They're already a six pack, but those who don't see them have too much bodyfat. Even scrawny guys who don't lift have six pack abs. Training abs boils down to a few purposes... 1. If you're attempting to build "core" strength beyond what...
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    Willing to have an EXTREME diet and cardio to lose weight FAST!!

    Re: There's no one science to it, and the dropping of fat is a constantly evolving program in and of itself. For instance, the widely held belief is that you can skim 500 calories per day and drop weight to your ideal weight. That works fine if you're heavy to obese, but as you near your...
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    Starting Business...Need Pointers

    Re: When you're observing a business or idea, give some thought to: Would you buy this service or product? If not, what might you do to attract yourself to this service or product? There's a host of questions you might ask on a microeconomic level...but that macro level controls the micro...
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    A Short Note on Responsibility and Realities.

    Re: I've struggled with Self-Help/Improvement phenomena in the regard that, many of the books and programs are "momentarily" stimulating, but nothing more than mental masturbation IF you don't break it down into SMALL bites and do them regularly. You might see the massive goal of being rich...
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    "The Secret" (Free Google Video)

    Re: The "Secret" isn't contrary to any known religion. It's not the center of some ponzi scheme, or super positive seminar you must attend. It's the Law of Attraction, plain and simple. However it's not easy to replicate, because as humans we're afforded many luxuries in CHOICE, that can...
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    From Rabbit to Nun, what happened?

    Re: These are problems not present in the reality of "dating." I figure it's ok to care for your woman, but to take it to the extreme of dealing with "her problems" is marriage-territory without the rings. Or any perks you might find. Quite honestly, this is a rhetorical question. You...
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    "The Secret" (Free Google Video)

    Re: Step 1, get bitcomet or a similar program. Step 2, Install (I can't do that for you) Step 3, Search. That's a search engine that is available once you use the torrent search engine. Step 4, Find...