Wow guys, excellent replies. The tough part of finding a good rate to charge people will be that I have no idea what the current median rate is. does $10 an hour for grass cutting/weed whackin, per person, sound about right? With the other services it will go up to like $15 or $20/hour. As far as taxes go, everything will be under the table, so I won't have to get into taxes and all the assorted hoopla that goes along with that.
Redpill, great points to bring up. I have some friends that aren't working, so if I needed extra help on a job, I know I could call them to come help out for $8 an hour under the table. Thats why I'm not really concerned with having too much work. This is definetly just a summertime project, as both me and my friend leave for school about an hour away from my hometown. I'm not gonna want to come back just to landscape for a little. If this does well however, I would see no reason not to run it every summer until I get a "real" job. Despite being pretty good money for being outside all day, I really want to be an entrepreneur when I get out of college. Running a very small business like this will definetly give me some practice in that respect, but I dont see this as a lifelong enterprise. Maybe if it takes off and solidifies itself as top business, I could sell it when I'm ready to move on, but I highly doubt that.
Your suggestions were top of the line, your always welcome to spout em out at your leisure on here or PM me. Right now my biggest focus is to build a list of clients and go from there. I'll start with putting fliers in mailboxes in my target neighborhoods and the grocery stores in the surrounding areas. I will definetly have to try helpin people out on a warm day and that will work great I'm sure on a one on one basis. Despite the benefits from that and the obvious word of mouth that will occur because of our "generousity", what other methods can I use to get a blanket effect and cover a lot of people? I think both marketing techniques, personal and blanket campaigns, will help bring in the customers.
Thanks again guys.