This has been touched upon elsewhere, but I'll revisit it.
The brain WAS programmed from birth with perceptions, realizations, and understandings of reality, or what is PERCEIVED as reality. But LIFE, is only perceptions. A rich person, or one who makes themselves wealthy, has different perceptions that enable them to create their wealth. A poor person, or one who stays poor or continues to habituate poor habits, has different perceptions that enable them to create their wealth. In an odd way, NLP and other similar programs are like UNDERSTANDING the matrix of the mind.
Guys always ask "How did I become an AFC?" It isn't a becoming of anything. You just adopted AFC programming in your brain. That MIND used an AFC Matrix to perceive reality, that thereby controlled your actions.
Remember....THOUGHT(thinking) > ACTION (doing) > BEING
If you don't FIRST think, then whatever you do is merely RE-action to whatever stimulated you, or whatever EMBEDDED thoughts are in your mind. NOW, if you embed good thoughts and programs, which is what PUA sites, and even this one TEACH, then your RE-actions are the result of UNCONCIOUS COMPETENCE (another NLP phrase, there's 4 levels of competency, and this is the highest). UNCONSCIOUS COMPETENCE is the professional level. It's Tiger Woods. It's Albert Puljos. It's Tom Brady. It's Warren Buffet. Rather than THINK their way ONTO the path that will lead to their success, they are already living it and compounding their results.
ALL of what I've mentioned get's into the mind. NLP acts WITH improvement material, and ALL education material for that mater to understand the computer that these NEW beliefs are installed upon.
Some have a NEGATIVE connotation as a result of Ross Jeffries, or of expecting some outlandish results, but do not fret, those are but a few experiences. In Truth, NLP works, in terms of grasping your mind, and life around you. See, Tony Robbins uses NLP to unwind embedded negative programs, then he seeks to install new, empowering ones. One cannot take to success material of any kind and hope to paint right over the old crap, without first extracting the old crap.
Alot of the PUA material I've reviewed gets into this. First they seek to analyze what you are believing and living. Then they seek to show you they're just false beliefs you've adopted without even thinking about what you think or believe. Then they seek to implant you with new ones.
Many people adopted either empowering beliefs or disempowering beliefs, without thinking, even before they could think. That's childhood. It's your parent's responsibility to teach you to think, and to think in a right minded way that brings happiness and success in life. Since so few humans do actually think, and then even think RIGHT, it's hard to transfer such thinking to the youth of the nation. After that, your mind is YOUR responsibility. And it is today. What goes in, is because you allow it, even if you're not thinking, you're lowering your guard.
But back to the point, if you want to start in different spots, check out Mind Lines, or anything by Richard Bandler. There's also Milton Erickson. Or Introduction to NLP. Tony Robbins is NLP, as well, and both his monstrous volumes are NLP rooted.