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  1. I

    The inverse relationship between looks and character

    Totally, totally, agree with you. It's a zero-sum game with women. One trait rises, the other falls... It's rare that you get a stunning woman with a stunning personality & intellect. Rare I said. A word of terms of the bell curve, this works for women in the 6-8 range. Once...
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    Should have my thread been locked and whats the point of sosuave

    Of course not, I thought it was relevant and appropriate. I guess you just can't take some things for "granite" around here :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: Sorry couldn't resist.
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    Single moms

    Hmmm, don't know your marital history, parental history, etc...but if you're a single guy, no kids, never been married, in your 20's or 30's even, I see no way in hell you would need to get involved with a single mother. No way at all. I'm a single father and my son is my #1 priority. I...
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    todays society

    Very interesting thread. Makes it worth coming around SoS and putting up with all the teenage macho posturing. The present world did not come to be overnight, and it did not happen in a vacuum. The human animal, and all living animals on this planet, are designed to evolve forward, either...
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    Stop masturbating

    Bah, every few days I rub one out in the shower before bedtime, BFD. What is the difference between getting laid daily vs getting mentally laid daily? Same effect, that crap shoots out. I would guess that actual sexual intercourse has slightly better cardio benefits...I think Western...
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    Questions about colon cleansers

    I usually have a container of psyllium husk (unflavored, unsweetened) on hand and have a dose every week or two. Taken with liquid, it expands in your intestinal tract and supposedly "scrapes" off your intestinal walls before being digested and pushed out as waste. I'll spare the graphic...
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    Sorority Sugar Daddy

    I wouldn 't call her a gold-digger. It's an arrangement of convenience, they both get something they want out of this, no one is fooling anyone. If she was leading the dude on by making him think he had a real chance with her and was milking his AFC ass, then I would call her a gold-digger...
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    Money for Pu$$y

    I fractured my neck a few years ago and I was back at work in 3 months. I just couldn't take sitting on my ass any longer. And I am not a workaholic and money is no lure for me. I love money, of course I would like to have millions at my disposal. I don't and that's fine with me. Once a...
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    How do I know I've worked my muscle enough?

    I think part of it has to do with your familiarity (or lack thereof) with the movement. I'm far along in my lifting career that my gains happen less frequently and I'm rarely, if ever, sore. My squats and deads have progressed well, but they don't leave me sore. They do leave my leg...
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    Is it women's fault??

    I blame it on the Industrial Revolution. Things have never been the same. Man's warrior spirit has been subjegated. We sit on our ass all day and get fat and bury ourselves in consumerist B.S. We don't have to fight for anything, we can buy buy pleasure, buy satisfaction...
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    preserving muscle while arm is broken?

    A broken arm, you're "lucky." You can still get the good parts of your body working. Seems to me if you keep some maintenance of muscle throughout the reste of your body, your arm will recover quicker and also retain more mass than if you just sat on your ass all day crying about how your arm...
  12. I

    workout really early... ?

    I work out @ 6:15am, about an hour to an hour and a half after waking up. And, yes, I'm well above 2x bw for squats and deads. Whatever, I'm happy with my strength gains, no problems. I think people try to rationalize not working out in the morning cause they are L-A-Z-Y :) I used to work...
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    Crash Course on Masculine Power

    Jay Julio, who the hell are you? This is gold. Essentially you've structured and verbalized much of what my affect and awareness has stumbled upon after about 40 years of searching :cool: It's always great to read something that ignites a recognition deep within one's soul.
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    Working out in the morning

    Not a problem at all. If you're gonna work out in the morning, you gotta get up at least 3-4 hours before work or school, depending on your commute. I work at 9...wake up 5a-5:15a, eat eggs, oatmeal, Kashi, sausage or bacon, varies. Work out about 6:15-7, ready to go.
  15. I

    Fashion, what a joke.

    I don't put too much thought into it. What they wear is their choice. Does it affect my life? Nah, screw it, whatever. Do I have opinions about some stuff? Hell yeah, but I take it with a grain of salt. I think what is more irksome to me is the sheep mentality which both genders...
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    i don't feel the pain

    Yep, words of truth. The ego is the biggest limiter. Something about the human mind is deluded into thinking there is more self-satisfaction in lifting 200 once than lifting 150 for 5 reps about 5 times. We tend to get meserized by numbers, big numbers...I think you're not lifting...
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    Not to worry, there is nothing wrong with you. Happens to the best and worst of us. You're only 16...I'm sure you have years and years of hardness ahead of you and you'll laugh at these moments in retrospect. Now if that crap happens to me it's s time to worry.:cry:
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    McCain's hot running mate (no politics)

    Yeah whatever she's a religious freak tool. Oops sorry, was that politics? :moon:
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    How do I get out of debt?

    $11,000? Holy crap. OK, when an alcoholic embarks on sobriety for good, the first thing they tell them is to stop drinking. In your case...stop spending! You'll never bring your debt down if you keep adding to it. If you're serious about this, you need to change your outlook and...
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    I have cancer

    wolf, I've been following this from your first post. I'm very sorry to hear your latest development. Hang in there buddy and be strong as you can be. I'm not a praying type but I will definitely keep your recovery in my thoughts, and you will recover. I've seen this happen before and it...