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  1. J

    Embarrassing problem

    This is one of those times where you'll just have to "fake it till you make it." A lot of girls are going to recoil if you tell them that you're a virgin, so I wouldn't bring it up and, if asked, just lie. It's a harmless lie, and being honest, in this case, is going to turn a lot of women...
  2. J

    Advice on properly handling a 19-year old

    To be honest, I will be surprised if her interest in you remains high after that last date. You are headed for friendzone for sure if you don't turn things around. The problem is that you are trying to fit yourself into HER world, instead of the other way around. You've followed her to the...
  3. J

    Still struggling after being in the pick up game for a while

    Cold approach pickup is HARD. You are always going to lose points for being a stranger, and a lot of girls are going to shut you down unless you generate major social proof. We really need more details to determine what you're doing wrong. I have a feeling that you're coming off a bit too...
  4. J

    Text Game for the 2010s

    Glad it's working for you. Yes- a big part of it is how much she actually likes you. The advice in this thread is simply how to avoid f**king it up by coming across as needy. I think in this era of constant communication, girls have become more finely attuned to implicit displays of...
  5. J

    How to Properly Go From Sex--->Relationship

    She's running away because you're chasing her. This is causing your value (and her attraction to you) to drop. She's telling you to essentially chase her around in the hopes of getting a date, and you're complying with her demands. This was a s#it test, and you failed. The right move was...
  6. J

    "You're a nice person"

    If you're not obviously deformed, your looks are the NOT the problem. Sure, being good looking will get your foot in the door with more/hotter women, but- this being a numbers game- you still will attract SOME women- even with merely average game. With solid game, you should be able to...
  7. J

    How to Properly Go From Sex--->Relationship

    Exactly- I'd say 3 months is the "s#it or get off the pot" moment- that's when she will start issuing ultimatums to commit. She will probably bring up the "what are we?" question much earlier, though. In general, it's best to delay commitment, but not so long that she starts getting frustrated...
  8. J

    Dating in early 30s

    Your early 30's SHOULD be your prime dating years. I can't speak about women in their 30's, but I know that the hottest young women are STRONGLY drawn to men in their early 30's. It's like going back in time and dating the prom queen-- every day. Other than the other stuff that was...
  9. J

    How to Properly Go From Sex--->Relationship

    It seems entirely plausible to think that once you've had sex with a girl, she is yours for the taking. While this is true in theory, there are no guarantees of this in reality; if a relationship (or even just steady sex) is what you desire, you STILL need to rely on game, to some degree. This...
  10. J

    Trouble dealing with confrontation

    I think that there are times when that aggressive, flight-or-fight response actually works to your favor. Customer service reps seem to respond to controlled displays of anger far better than rational requests, for instance. It seems obvious to us that a calm response to conflict is the...
  11. J

    Text Game for the 2010s

    Ignoring the first sentence, which seems to suggest that you aren't even interested in her: If she is texting YOU, you should respond. Your goal is to get the girl chasing YOU, and, by initiating contact, this girl is doing just that. If a girl clearly has high interest, ignoring her...
  12. J

    Women on the front lines in Combat

    What fattie is going to be physically fit enough to even make it through basic training? Come on now. The women that would be on the frontlines would not be the typical women we encounter in every day life- they would no doubt be extremely masculine. We are speaking of outliers here, not the...
  13. J

    Question on how to approach

    She's into it, but you are overdoing it with the enthusiasm. If you don't play it cool, she's going to get turned off. You initially attracted her by being somewhat mysterious- right now, you are being a little too goofy and verbose. In general, you should be typing less than her- forcing...
  14. J

    Women on the front lines in Combat

    As long as they meet the same training requirements as men, I don't think there's any problem with it. Sure- biologically, women aren't as suited for combat as men on the whole. But, there is no question that we are dealing with outliers here, and not a typical female. Sex/ gender alone...
  15. J

    Text Game for the 2010s

    My gut feeling is that, while you may increase the likelihood of her showing up with this method, you do run the risk of creating some negative momentum if she can't take your sudden call because of her surroundings, or if she's a shy girl that gets nervous talking to random guys on the phone...
  16. J

    Text Game for the 2010s

    Sure- after all, these are guidelines. I'm mostly speaking about a general pickup situation (i.e an attractive girl between the ages of 18-24 that you just met and has some interest in you but isn't 100% sold on you). Hot girls usually will NOT have high interest right off the bat- which is...
  17. J

    Text Game for the 2010s

    I decided to write this after googling "text game" and finding a lot of really awful advice out there. It seems as if the authors of these articles just imagined what might work in their heads and then came up with a rationale to explain it all later. The only one I'd strongly recommend is...
  18. J

    Text Game for the 2010s

    I decided to write this after googling "text game" and finding a lot of really awful advice out there. It seems as if the authors of these articles just imagined what might work in their heads and then came up with a rationale to explain it all later. The only one I'd strongly recommend is...
  19. J

    Your best one word response if ANY to a text breakup?

    Say nothing. Breaking up over text is tacky. Don't reward her with any type of closure.
  20. J

    Fellas, What's Your Take on: Either Go For Many Girls or for None

    This has some truth to it. Plates don't spin forever- after about 3 months, you WILL receive an ultimatum to either become exclusive, or pack your bags. To correctly spin plates, you must get used to the idea that ALL of these plates have an expiration date- even the ones you really like...