Originally Posted by Jeffst1980
This has some truth to it. Plates don't spin forever- after about 3 months, you WILL receive an ultimatum to either become exclusive, or pack your bags.
To correctly spin plates, you must get used to the idea that ALL of these plates have an expiration date- even the ones you really like. This is hard to do in the moment, of course, but realize that relationships exist to lead to marriage, and marriage exists to lead to procreation. If you're not yet ready to head down that road, there's no reason to ever get involved in a relationship in the first place.
I've definitely come across girls that were not ok with this arrangement. Most view sex as a commitment, and even if they are ok with not putting a label on things, sex IS the relationship. The only way to circumvent this is to refuse to do relationship-oriented stuff and see her no more once a week.
This can be true, but not all the time. You CAN successfully spin a plate for a LONG time, as long as the circumstances are right. For example, what you saying is true if this is a regular plate that you see a few times a week and perhaps talk to or text a few times a week. In that case, there will be more pressure after about 3 months or so to become exclusive or in a relationship or whatever you wanna call it. However, one can get around this by limiting contact and communication with you plate. The trick is, when you get them, make sure you rock their world, and do it a few times to the point where they know for sure that you can satisfy them and think naughty thoughs when they think of you.
Next, you can see her absolutely no more than once a week, and keep decreasing the number. Oh, and this also means no contact, no texting around, no phone calls, nothing, you just see them, rock their world, and you’re on your way. You can start decreasing this number to once every two weeks, and down to once a month. And if you’re successful with that, you can drop it down to once a quarter, and quite honestly even once every half a year or so, and if you’re really good even to once a year lol.
I have done this with many girls, to the point where I always had a rotation that kept growing in variety, but decreasing in how often I see them. This way, you have ample time to keep meeting new girls, while you keep some of your best ones in a rotation and even though they only see you once a month or once every few months, they’re still happy to see you because you’re a proven “good time” and they don’t’ have to worry about any consequences.. (in other words, no one has ever questioned them about you and they have never been “caught”, so in this way, they can have whatever type of life they usually have in their day to day routine… you’re only there a few times a year, and you provide a good time.. quite honestly, some of these girls I had no idea what they had going on in their life, I didn’t question them really, just made sure they had a good time with me and that’s that.. every now and then some of them will get curious and try to ask questions, but you just play it off and don’t give in.. Hell, I had one girl that I never even knew her name lol EVER,, when I met her I introduced my self as “james bond” (long story, was playful), and she introduced her self as “redhead”, and we never ever even exchanged real names.. we just met a few times a year for a good time and that was that..)
I’m off the market now but still there are some of these old plates that e-mail me or find me one way or another (I change my number every time I’m in a serious relationship, for obvious reasons lol). So over the years, some plates may disappear for an amount of time, and then they may come back all of a sudden and you get to have fun with them again. I don’t usually inquire why or what, but sometimes it’s probably that they either found someone special and then it didn’t work out so they come back, or maybe it’s because they started feeling guilty about cheating on their significant others so they stopped and then come back again either because they’re not with them anymore, or simply because they don’t feel guilty anymore. (trust me, girls can be really weird and their morals and ideals change like the wind sometimes, this is why you don’t let anything bother you and you enjoy them while they’re there and don’t trip of them if they’re not available anymore, because it’s probably just a matter of time before they come back … provided that the sex is good, of course lol.. which is why I keep saying, make sure you do ‘em good!
Also, don’t get me wrong, THIS WILL NOT WORK 100%, in other words, you can’t convert every plate to a few times a year plate. You WILL lose some plates if you go this route simply because, as others have put it, some girls just don’t want that and may be looking for something more serious. But once again, this is the beauty of this thinking, you don’t care one way or the other! You’re dealing with numbers so large (usually over 10 plates), that it doesn’t matter if some new chick is not down with seeing you once every two weeks lol.. because trust me, you will meet others that will be ok with this (once again, provided that you do them good and don’t start your interactions with the “relationship” mindset, but move into physical and sex fairly quickly and LIMIT your interactions from the get go.. be unavailable, do not text or call her more than once a week, period, and they won’t even have a chance to start feeling “boyfriend” feelings for you.. I personally know that this can be done, because as I’ve said, when I’m single, that’s the life I’m living.. you’ve just got to develop that mindset..
Also, it doesn’t hurt to be in a big town. I’ve lived in bigger cities for the most part (including now) and have also stayed in smaller cities (most recently Idaho in mid 2000s) for a few years, and let me tell you, it is a LOT easier to do this type of thing in a big city. I’m not saying don’t do it in a smaller town, but it becomes much more difficult to stay discrete in a smaller town and plenty of other things that can be in your way too (girls get married ridiculously young and most are off the market lol).. If you’re stuck in a small city where everyone grew up together and everyone has their little cliques and is already married or been with their girl for their entire lifes, and this is not what you want or you’re not having the type of success you want, just go move to a bigger city. I’ve had the same amount of game if not more in Idaho as I did before moving there (in bay area, Cali), and it’s a huge difference.. dealing with 8 million people and 200,000 makes for a drastic difference in opportunities.. some bigger cities are gold mines for pick up.. you can build a rotation of up to 15-20 girls and still keep meeting new ones, and eventually have to drop some girls off the rotation, put them on waivers so other teams can pick them up lol because you have no more spots on your roster lol..
Anyway, I’m sure I got off topic once again.. but that’s my two cents.. it’s good for business to keep spinning plates when not in a relationship.. it will also help you WHILE in a relationship (the mindset of spinning plates that is, not actually doing it if you've got a serious gf, fiance, or wife, so you're on your own there just so we're clear lol.. that's your own decision to make), but later on while IN relationship it will help you because you know DEEP DOWN, that if for whatever reason your relationship doesn’t work out, you will be OK. You KNOW you can meet new girls, and simply knowing this will make you more of a catch as you will not put up with anyone’s sh*t and your girl will respect you more for it. I’ve even had girls say “I feel like if I walked away, you would be just fine” and this bothered them, but I guess deep down they knew that I wouldn’t trip either way if they decided to leave, and it just makes you more of a catch.
Oh, and I can’t believe I forgot to mention this, but another reason why it’s good to spin plates while you’re single is because you actually can build momentum and go on crazy hot steaks! I mean this, I’ve had things happen to me that are beyond belief, and if I wrote here about them I’m sure guys would say “yeah right, no way that happened”, and I know this because a few of the stories I have, if someone else told me that story I would be like “whatever man, that’s just too crazy, no way that happened and no way you pulled that off” lol so I don’t’ even talk about those and have only shared them with my brother and couple of closest friends that do pickup.