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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Top signs a girl is blowing you off

    Good stuff BigNeil! Yeah, number 8 brings back memories: When women constantly keep postponing the date. There's nothing quite like a chick constantly putting guys on "snooze" or on indefinite "hold". If life had a referee, I'm sure she'd be called for "Delay of Game". lol Here's another...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Katie Holmes divorces Tom Cruise

    Apparently, the celebrity news folks are saying that disagreements over Scientology as it pertains to how to raise their child was behind Katie Holmes' Ninja-styled, divorce attack. Of course, the follow up question that comes to mind is this: Didn't she already know about Mr. Mission...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    Top signs a girl is blowing you off

    Here are few for you: 1. When she claims to not "know" if she'll be free or not on the day that you ask her to go out with you on a date. 2. When she "suddenly" tells you that her cousin, her best friend from out of town, or her relatives have come to town on the day she was supposed to go out...
  4. Victory Unlimited


    We live in a myopic culture populated with people (women AND MEN) with low self-esteem who are always looking for artificial or superficial ways to inflate their egos to hide their spiritual deficits and lack of true substance. And the propaganda that you'll find in schlocky magazines, on...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Why wives are the dominant paretner in American culture today

    Colossus, I agree. The illusion of the PURE "50/50" relationship is shattered the moment SOMEONE has to make a command decision to break a stalemate over something that pertains to the relationship. I've found that women who respond BADLY to men assuming the leadership role in the relationship...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Why wives are the dominant paretner in American culture today

    evan12, This broken backbone, type of matrimonial experience doesn't start with marriage. It actually just ENDS in marriage. The slippery slope of LOSS of masculine leadership begins during the dating/relationship period as men allow their spines to be removed from them----one disk at a...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    African American women are by far harder to game other black guys post..

    And I co-sign this quote, from BlackGuyFromUK. My observation is that there's an inordinate amount of black women who unfortunately see black men as their potential enemies instead of as their potential allies. Sad, but true. V.U.
  8. Victory Unlimited

    How do you prefer to be rejected?

    Yo Iqqi, Actually, when it comes to rejection, I'd rather just be slapped, thank you. But don't just take MY word for it. One of the greatest bands that the music industry EVER produced said it best @ the 1:55 minute mark of this clip: SLAP MY FACE! Or, you can check out the Funked Up, hard...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Marriage Attitude

    Most women will find a heterosexual man who has his shyt together, and who is attractive on MULTIPLE levels desirable no matter what his stance on marriage is. This has a lot to do with attractive male qualities in general. However, there is a growing number of challenge-lovin', "hidden" low...
  10. Victory Unlimited


    Ahhh...I get it. What you're sayin' here is maybe they actually traded places-----changed identities-----sampled EACH OTHERS' lives. Kinda like "Face/Off"! ...but WITHOUT all those cool-ass, slow motion camera angles, the special effect explosions, and the obligatory 25-plus John Woo gun duels...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    Dont surpress sexuality for female "platonic friendship"..not worth it

    Guys, As far as the Sexual Politics underlying this thread are concerned, I DO agree that men's sexual activity and women's sexual activity are often viewed by many in society very differently. I also agree that as a result of this, SOME of the judgments leveled against either sex can be quite...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Dont surpress sexuality for female "platonic friendship"..not worth it

    Hey, is this the line that we stand in to take turns whooping Pandora's ass? Just kidding, Pandora. To take a different look at it from most of the other guys: When we get beyond the whole physical attraction/guys with female friends thing-------I clearly see that ONE of the things that...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Lunch date saturday- advise needed!

    Thanks for further clarifying things with the added info, GADavid. Yeah, I regret that you accepted the lunch date too, but let's move on: Okay, so you have changed somewhat since the two of you were together before. It's possible she may see you in a new light, but it's still just as possible...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    Lunch date saturday- advise needed!

    GADavid, Whenever a girl/woman VERBALLY puts you in the friend zone by saying a variation of the words "Let's just be friends" to you, she's telling you one, or a combination of the following things: 1. She's really not attracted to you physically or romantically. 2. She has a very, very...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Regarding last name (marriage)

    HANDLE brings up a great point by highlighting cultural differences in regards to the wife being called by her husbands last name. I tend to look at the whole last name, husband/wife scenario, through the lens of it's deeper, spiritual implications as it pertains to the fundamental...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    Why wont women show interest?

    Yeah NSUballer, If I were you, I'd go ahead and get a definitive answer from her. That way, you won't have to spend any more of your precious mental energy "wondering". And especially since she's a friend of a friend that you've been knowing for awhile, I imagine that you would REALLY have to...