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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Why wont women show interest?

    NSUballer, I imagine that what you're actually missing here is a woman who has REAL romantic interest in you. Most women who are actually interested in you are looking for an "excuse" to open the "communication door" wider for you to at least express MORE interest in HER more directly. From...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Cheating on your WIFE!

    Hey 5String, I'm in TOTAL agreement with you on this. I understand that there can be some grey areas in regards to maintaining marital fidelity, but when guys GLADLY go for new pussssy just because they can, then I'd have to question their purposes for getting (and STAYING) married in the first...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    What reason do you think is behind models becoming younger?

    Also, if you take morality and sexuality TOTALLY out of the equation, another thing to keep in mind is this: The Fashion industry, just like many others, is a MACHINE. So, just like the NBA (...another machine), the younger your "product" is when you buy it, the more time you'll have to use it...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Making People Respect You

    I don't think you should really focus on "making people respect you". Instead, just focus more on respecting yourself. Then, let your respect for yourself radiate from you naturally. This is what will create for you an amount of "gravitas" that MOST people around you will be able to easily...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Is encouraging women to breast feed for long time really an attack on powerful women?

    The further women run away from the things that make them feminine, the less attractive they'll tend to be to guys who are still attractive to unashamedly feminine women.
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Do girls really go for guys with nice cars?

    If a guy is dealing with a chick over the age of 21, and she's STILL more into the car than she is HIM, then he has bigger issues to deal with than her vehicular preference. The first thing he should probably do is reevaluate his choice in women. Sometimes, the more superficial your interest is...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    When A Girl Says Your Not Her Type

    Here's my take on what it could mean: ...She's spared you weeks and months, and maybe even YEARS of pain that would come from you CHASING her and trying to "convince" her otherwise. But...that's only "if" your ego will allow you to simply BELIEVE her when she says it.
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Just deleted my facebook

    An alternative to deleting your Facebook entirely would be to simply use it to your advantage by customizing it more. There's no law that says that you have to allow everybody on earth to post on your wall, see your wall posts, photos, or even see your friends list. I'm not totally sure since...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Why is it GUYS who seem to get too emotionally invested?

    I don't think it's really this cut-and-dried, or gender-specific. I've observed and experienced that WHOEVER is the most attached to the romantic outcome of ANY relationship is usually the one that's the most emotionally vulnerable. So choose your women wisely, troops....
  10. Victory Unlimited

    Do you think women value faithfulness in a guy these days?

    Most women who place a lot of value in the faithfulness of guys are typically women who: A. are "faithful" themselves, and want a guy who holds himself to similar standards B. are "unfaithful" themselves, but want to make sure that the sucker they're using, I mean "dating" remains under their...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    People don't like me ..

    If you want friends, then just focus more on showing yourself friendly to other people. If you think you're coming across as too cool, try to be more outgoing to those who might not be as cool as you. Also, start looking for mutual points of interest that you may share with other people, then...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Man Who Could Cheat Death!

    Yo WAIT_OUT, Two Thumbs UP, Bro'. Way to get your "prose on". I liked it. it's a mixture of many of my favorite movies/stories/books: It's like a militarized version of A CHRISTMAS CAROL and IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE----------with a little bit of the underlying theme of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Man Who Could Cheat Death!

    Thanks for your comments on this thread ALPHAWHISKEY, WAIT_OUT, and GREASY PIG. Glad you were able to get something out of this classic V.U. post from back in the day. BETHEMAN wrote: Here are a few comments I'd like to share in regards to what you just wrote: 1. All the case studies I...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Man Who Could Cheat Death!

    Happy Easter right back atcha' PEN! Hope all is well with you and the family. It's been awhile since we were both on here at the same time. lol Yeah, I went to the hospital AND to the funeral because it was what I wanted to do out of respect for her. AND to be able to look at myself in the...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Man Who Could Cheat Death!

    This is the Annual “Bump” in honor of the Holiday------with an update on Henry G. This guy, my former friend for more than two decades is the “ordained minister” who preached my grandma’s eulogy some 6 years ago when we were STILL friends. Well, he suffered the loss of his Mother in...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    Red flags in a relationship

    Within reason, it's not the NUMBER of red flags that you should concern yourself with------it's the red flag that STOPS you dead in your tracks that you should really pay attention to. Everyman has a "hill" that he's willing to die on, so you have to figure out what yours is. You'd be surprised...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    What is the key points, in your opinion, to ....

    I think that the first step before any conscious self-improvement can begin is when a man recognizes that there is ROOM for improvement in at least ONE particular area of his life.
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Are You Strong Enough?

    Any of the above statements could also mean: "I know I'm "off my rocker", "out of order", "out of order", and in need of psychological and/or emotional counseling-----BUT I'm STILL delusional enough to think that all of these negative traits make me sexy, sassy, and attractive to clinically...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    Women like "new" guys

    In fact, you could also say that one of the best ways to protect yourself from flaky women is by choosing to only give serious consideration to those who STAY interested in you long after they "think" they know you pretty well. Silly girls can only fall into infatuation with you. But only...
  20. Victory Unlimited

    2nd chance w/ rebound fling

    Codcam, Again, you are VERY similar to the guy from the show. And you're a doctor, too. "Physician, heal THYSELF" But seriously, I really think you should work on switching your focus. Because "yes", you ARE focusing too much on seeing the world through HER eyes right now. Recognize...