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  1. C

    Girl hit me back up. Now what?

    Be careful. Some girls will hit you up after rejecting you only because they hate feeling like they are on someone's bad side. She could just be trying to make sure things are good between you. If you feel that this is not the case then tell her "I want to see you" on a day that you know she...
  2. C

    First Date At My House Tonight?

    Honestly, I applaud you for having high standards. Most guys would have ****ed her. Hell, most guys would have offered to take her out on a date. You may not realize it, but you're a hero. Rejecting her will affect her self esteem. Now some frustrated chump will have a way easier time getting...
  3. C

    Place matters a lot + my date blueprint lol

    My method: After finding out they're available on a particular day I call or text "I wanna see you" or some variant Any neutral to positive response I just tell them "I could pull up in (whatever time it takes)." Otherwise I just don't respond back. Sometimes they'll cave in or just...
  4. C

    Ugly girl reject my offer now pming me

    She wants your commitment. She knows she's ugly so she figures you might bounce after having sex. You need to subtly reassure her that you will commit to her even if you won't. She just needs to think you will. No woman wants to be pumped and dumped. She'll only have sex with you if she thinks...
  5. C

    What makes them want to give you their vagina?

    That's why I began my first comment with "It's about how much your commitment is worth to her (LMS)" Nothing matters if she isn't attracted to you. Edit: Also there are sometimes women who don't want your commitment. Those tend to be the same ones that only have sex with you one time.
  6. C

    What makes them want to give you their vagina?

    You don't have to actually commit. She just needs to think that you will or are willing to.
  7. C

    What makes them want to give you their vagina?

    It's about how much your commitment is worth to her (LMS) Then she judges how likely it would be to get your commitment by having sex with you (She might make you wait a long time as a sort of gesture of good faith on your part). You need to have the ability to subtly convey your willingness to...
  8. C

    If a woman has only had oral sex or been fingered, is she still a virgin?

    Technically she would still be a virgin BUT I wouldn't give her the "credit" of being a virgin if you understand what I'm saying.
  9. C

    why guys with a place, car and enough money to hang out always get the girls

    How do you apply this exactly? Do you just bring it up during conversation? Or is it something they just find out when they get there?
  10. C

    Do you think women who are victims of domestic abuse deserve it because they went for bad boys?

    Why are you assuming that the abusers are bad boys in the first place? I knew a guy who was a 20 year old nerd virgin who abused his first serious girlfriend who took his virginity.
  11. C

    How do I be interesting?

    Easiest way to become interesting is to simply find things you like to do or topics you enjoy... Then talk about those things. Also a lot girls like to use the word "interesting" as a politically correct way of saying attractive (in whatever way). They don't want to feel shallow. She decided...
  12. C

    How to take a step further with is this girl...

    Women usually don't tell men that they're interested in that they don't have time for a bf. Especially since she apparently has enough time to hang out with co-workers and text back and forth. When a woman likes a man she will MAKE TIME for him no matter how busy.
  13. C

    How do you deal with undermining dudes

    Just check him and keep it moving. Next time you're in a group setting and he says something stupid again just look him in the eye and say "Chill". He'll either shut up or get defensive. Either way he'll look like an idiot.
  14. C

    Being Super Direct vs Dates?

    Usually when this works the guy is in some way out of the girl's league. This won't work with girls who are used to hot and/or interesting guys.
  15. C

    "Game" is all about validating women

    I define "game" as knowing when a girl is ready for the next level of interaction. She already made up her mind about you before you opened your mouth. All you have to do is know when to pull the trigger.
  16. C

    How hard do you try getting a girl before you just move on

    Nothing but truth in this thread. I just have a normal conversation. I mostly approach girls who show me signs of interest. If I begin to sense any clear disinterest I just throw a Hail Mary and ask them over.
  17. C

    This is the job, if you want to meet girls.

    Do you eventually have sex with these girls?
  18. C

    If you can't afford to date, just don't date

    Some them actually are. If a girl wants to be with you she'll understand your situation.... for a certain amount of time.
  19. C

    I lost my girl to a pro athlete

    Lol yeah I've lost girls to worse guys. Basement dwellers, low rank gang members, middle aged married men.
  20. C

    Why do vast majority of women want somebody so much better than themselves nowadays?

    Because there are guys who are willing to date these women (or at least bang them). This would all correct itself if we were somehow able to get every man to stop banging women under their league. A girl who is a 5/10 KNOWS she is 5/10, but she will behave how she is treated.