I think some of you are coming at this from your own prespectives of being rejected by a girl who went for the 'bad boy.'
Domestic violence is much more complicated than that.
How many of you have spent real time with abused women, met their kids? Read the police report detailing the abuse, read the hospital report detailing the abuse, listen to small children tell you about the abuse they witnessed. Ever hear a three year old explain how his mom lost her left eye? It didn't start with '***** was stressing him out'.
How many of you spent real time with abusers? Helped them get off drugs? Met with their probation officers? Referred them to counselling? Sat in on men's groups?
I'm a social worker, and I've done all that.
Let me tell you something, a man who beats his wife is seen as sh*t by other men in the lock up. These guys are not considered 'bad boys', by actual bad boys, so it's funny that some of you think that way.
I get that this is a men's site, but I never thought it would involve a horrible thread about how women who get beat up deserve it because they rejected the good guy to be with the bad guy.
And, considering how many guys here preach about not being the good guy, but, rather, being the bad guy, what the f**k does that even say???
Not that I agree with what many of the guys here are saying, but you have to understand what they mean. They aren’t able to word it correctly to you. Basically, we all know not to hit a woman. It’s been pounded into us for centuries and we’ve all gotten disciplined by it at some point or another (physically...). Well, if a man decides to forego the social rules prohibiting him from doing that, then you have to realize that maybe there is a real reason for them to hit the woman. Example? My sister almost cracked my skull open once when I was 8 because I ate some microwaveable burritos when we were supposed to go out to eat. She didn’t see what was wrong with it. I was on the floor bleeding from my head. My dad blew up at her, but I still got smacked across the mouth because he said it was all my fault this whole thing happened. Had that been my brother, I probably would have tried hurting her.
Or how about my own parents. Throughout my parents’ marriage, there was a time where my dad smacked my mom across he face. My (along with my siblings’) response? Good. This only happened once. She was being a straight up *****. I also forgot to mention that she almost killed my dad a dozen times. I still remember some of those times too. I wasn’t even able to walk yet. She stopped hitting him after that, whereas before she didn’t care because she felt like he wouldn’t do anything. I wished he’d done it sooner so that I wouldn’t have to deal with that trauma thinking about how evil my mom was when I was a kid. Gives me a whole new perspective about this type of thing. Plus, my dad has NEVER felt so bad in his life. He will never say sorry to anyone or anything, but I was able to see the guilt and worry on his face after he did that. I don’t ever talk about this either because he’s still the bad guy in this scenario.
So think about this. How about abused men? There are no domestic abuse hotlines for men. None. I believe there are about 80 for women if I recall correctly....
But we are supposed to be man enough to just deal with it...
When it happens to a man, he NEEDS to stay. Or else get his anus speared by the court system. Women? They choose to stay. Complex? Maybe emotionally. But only because it fulfills something dark in their subconscious....
Truthfully, I don’t have much sympathy towards them. Police take domestic abuse accusations very seriously. Even when false. And not even you can deny that, especially not in this day and age with #metoo. Domestic abuse hasn’t been allowed for centuries. Before there were laws about it too. In the 1700s and 1800s, if a man was found to beat his wife, he’d be paraded around the town in the equivalent of today’s shopping cart and would have rotten food thrown at him. Then he would be beaten by all the men in the town once that’s over. There had to be laws in place to STOP that. And then Teddy Roosevelt was campaigning to BRING IT BACK hahahaha. It’s a lot harder to be a man than you think.
And this is why a lot of the guys here are showing their disdain towards the women. Because in our brains, we would know how to not **** up a relationship to get beat, and we would know that if it IS unwarranted for whatever reason that we would just leave. It seems so simple to us. They don’t have a hard or stressful life like we do. No sexism, just fact. And you guys can’t handle these situations. Weaker sex? Maybe. But we still get in trouble for it. Hence why we have no sympathy.