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  1. C

    How to LOWER her interest?

    Yeah basically just do the same thing she's doing. I do wish that I had a girl that was this into me.
  2. C

    Do you think ugly men go into movie production to get women?

    There's a difference between ****ing someone for a job and ****ing someone because they're popular. Could you imagine if a bunch of women ****ed a DJ and then claimed they were harassed? They can't say that they were worried about their career.
  3. C

    Android phone texts

    Do any of you think it's possible that a girl would ignore your texts because you have an android vs an iphone? If you had both phones did you notice a difference?
  4. C

    Slick way of asking her out

    I like this method. But it also makes it easier for her to say no because she knows you're not directly asking her out on a date.
  5. C

    How often should you see /contact your new girl

    Whenever you have the time and she agrees to meet you and doesn't flake. As you spend more time with her she will become more familiar with you. However, don't smother her or go out of your way to see her.
  6. C

    Is OJ proof that if you are famous or infamous women will still flock to you?

    I guess it depends where you're from. All the black guys I know that are dating white women are well dressed, college educated, and most importantly very tall or muscular. They act like stereotypical white guys.