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  1. C

    He said the "L" word then took it back...

    tails, you honestly think she can figure out who any of us are? does it really matter? and theres nothing we can do to stop them from reading. at least they post so you know its happening. remember, this forum is "for men" and men wouldnt care is women read it.
  2. C

    Avoiding disappointing the ladies...

    it's like this: if you believe in god - and he exists you go to heaven (win) - and he doesnt exist you just die (lose) if you don't believe in god - and he exists you go to hell (lose) - and he doesnt exist you just die (lose) so the only chance you have of "winning" is to...
  3. C

    a master plan - mind games

    you're also a hypocrite. you complain that her bf is blackmailing her but you say like 3 times "i recorded this so i can use it againt her is something happens". go f*ck ten other girls, then you're allowed to cry about this one, k?
  4. C

    The AFC Approach - It Worked?!?! -MUST READ!-

    i think what happened is that by being waaay afc, he was afraid to show any interest in her sexually at first. so she thinks he is a challenge, makes out with him, he falls for her hard and starts obsessing over her. she realizes he is afc and dumps him. even a broken clock is right sometimes.
  5. C

    Finally! All this has paid off.

    dude i shook my first time i kissed a girl (2 days ago!). and then i made the same mistake u did and got too attached, i think i can salvage the situation its just f'ing hard not to go AFC on myself. especially because i had been in the LJBF zone for like 4 months, and i thought there was no...
  6. C

    Do or Do Not! Try is not an option

    imo, i would schedule another date with her, talk about an awesome date you guys could so some other time (something way fun) and then when she calls about it tell her you can't cause you have another date whenever she wants to do it. then see how she reacts because if she wants to go exclusive...
  7. C

    How do I get my first lay?

    dude read the dj bible. live by it for a few weeks. you will see a HUGE difference. before i found this site I could hardly talk to girls i was interested in. now, the girl i was after before wants to have sex with me (no joke). she's going to prom with this other guy and she told me that...
  8. C

    need some advice

    ok, here's my situation: =BACKGROUND INFO= (you don't really need to know all of this you can skip this part if you want) i met this girl about 4 months ago (before i found this website and I was still way afc). fortunately i didn't do anything to stupid because at the time she had a...
  9. C

    Need some quick advice

    just tell her you dont understand why everything has to revolve around her schedule and that if she's not willing to sacrifice some time on weekends then your not willing to sacrifice some time on weekdays.