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  1. J

    Storing Files Online

    getting 60 gmail accounts wouldnt be very hard.
  2. J

    7 Habits of Highly Effective people Book report

    I was able to get the book in a pdf. Suprised me you guys have such a problem with plagiarism. Seems to be a terrible read so far unfortunately.
  3. J

    7 Habits of Highly Effective people Book report

    i apologize that i have to pay my own tuition.
  4. J

    7 Habits of Highly Effective people Book report

    Hey if anybody has a book report either partial or full about the 7 habits book, im in a real jam. I don't have any money at the moment to buy the book and I have the first 25% of the report due tomorrow in my class. So if anybody has a report, or book in a text file, you would be helping...
  5. J

    How many of you would let your woman.......

    what the fvck. Culture sure is changing. I like the dominate position. I don't like the girl being on top, I don't like a girl who trys to take charge. It is unfeminine and unnatural for a girl to want to be dominate. You are not necessarily gay if you like being dominated, but...
  6. J

    A Question of Truth

    This was a slightly bitter post because I wrote it at a slightly bitter time of my life. If you want to see some better info check out the signature. im The Fonz over there.
  7. J

    Aniston, Pitt separating after 4 years of marriage

    what the ****, some of the replies have been just simply retarded. The only difference between a normal relationship and a celeberity relationship is that they look better on average. Being good looking and a skilled actor, doesn't mean you understand anything about women or men. They have...
  8. J

    To be happy on your own.

    humans are social animals my man. its just nature.
  9. J

    How do you TRUST women?

    Come now men, lets be very logical about this. You're all acting like a bunch of girls! Feminine minds with the body of a man make for a very unhappy individual. You'll understand. So now you people are saying all girls cheat and lie et cetera et cetera. Well take a look inwards, if you...
  10. J

    how to cool conversation down after obvious interest is displayed?

    You guys dun know nothin. There are tons of hot sluts that go to church during the high school years.
  11. J

    Thinking You’re The Prize is BS

    *watches sosuave go slowly down the drain* The prize is a metaphorical statement my very confused friends. The prize is all about CONFIDENCE. Have you forgotten about confidence people? Where are the defenders of confidence? I cannot be the only one left, that would be terrible. Skew...
  12. J

    Sex Question - A&F Model

    uhh ok. wow i get a feeling that no one has posted...actually has ANY idea...what the fvck they're talking about. Ive had sex probably about 100 times, but only with 3 girls, and the majority of the time just with one girl. My record for length without coming is 5 hours(record not...
  13. J

    Ex problem from the past, need thoughts and opinions.

    i have aim. yogurttastesgo0d
  14. J

    post-ganji games reconciliation

    NO DIP**** Now if shes got a brain in that dumb head of hers, she knows SHE DOES RULE YOUR LIFE. IT IS OBVIOUS IF YOU GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO IGNORE HER. congradulations chump, now this girl with whom you may have had a chance with, thinks youre an insecure piece of ****. one...
  15. J


    Im gonna have to change my forum name to "The Post Ender" Height matters without question. It is one of the many factors in attraction and that is unarguable. You can make up for it, but you can not deny its existence. Now *****es *****ing about being short, get a pair of balls...
  16. J

    I am an exception to the rule

    mad dumbasses in the joint these days. sosuave is really going down the drain. seems like all the people that knew what they were talking about stopped posting here. Alright listen dude. There are reasons for everything. First off, you have to have a ****ing definiton of what "friend"...
  17. J

    A Question of Truth

    bump, also that quote i have by oxide was in support of his reply. oxide is a beast. my words under that was in the direction of the loser who was dissing the thread.
  18. J

    Alpha Male "Companions"

    any one who supported this poster is a dumbass.
  19. J

    My best friend

    It is his DUTY as a friend to show him. If they are really friends there will be no back stabbing. feminine *******s. get a life.
  20. J

    My best friend

    show him the bible first, hes gotta make his own choice.