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  1. J

    Does she like me, and is shy, or does she dislike me, but why why why?

    A DJ wouldnt write this post. A Dj wouldnt bother to read it either. A DJ would worry only about if HE LIKED HER.....and he wouldnt be worrying, he would know. Whether she liked him or not is immaterial, if she doesnt like a dj, shes not worthy of a date anyway. I didnt bother to read...
  2. J

    The chick wants to get me naked, but I'm a lil chubby...wat to do?

    a dj wouldnt be chubby.EDIT (there are very little exceptions to this statement and it is unlikely anyone fits into them, yet exceptions there may be) but if his mind was somehow removed and placed into the body of a chubby person via future technology, he wouldnt be bothered by it at all. he...
  3. J

    A little problem...

    A dj wouldnt care.
  4. J

    NOT Today Batman - Not Ever

    my post is defunct, im going to rework it and repost the idea with new and real evidence more in depth theories and less ambiguity. thats why i love you guys, you force me to do things better. props to the djs and djuana.
  5. J

    How To Throw A Kck A55 Party

    Dont. Period, do not do it. Nothing but trouble, i know you want to be "popular", but do not do it. ESPECIALLY, do NOT do it at your own house. People will **** up your ****, puke on your floor, puke on you, and more. You can get sued, your parents can get sued, your parents can go...
  6. J

    NOT Today Batman - Not Ever

    quoted from my original post "Be FREE from the chains of infatuation, follow your dreams! Be the musician, race car driver, astronaut, fire fighter, cop, marine, professional paint ball player, whatever!" hey dude if thats your dream man, have fun. I suppose i just assumed nobody wanted to be...