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  1. J

    I wipe my ass with Alpha-Male propaganda

    It's amazing the amount a person can change in only a few years. I still believe in the majority of the original post, with the exception of the ending., yet I am glad I have had years of learning and experience after reading my very immature replies to the contradicting arguments. I would...
  2. J

    Different way to look at eye contact

    You're going the wrong direction with this amigo. A man should not pretend to be better than anyone.
  3. J

    Were His actions Innocent?

    this girl is no older than 15.
  4. J

    Female sense of humor?

    some girls are funny. most girls are unable to be funny. its just a different culture. our brains aren't different but how we grew up certainly was. it takes a lot of time and practice to learn how to really be funny. The culture just does not encourage that for females, and perhaps...
  5. J

    how to get my g/f to want sex

    2 steps. first thing you should do is absolutely disregard everything anyone has said before me. the second thing you should do is break up with her. she doesnt like you, she doesnt respect you and you dont seem to like or respect her either. tough cookies.
  6. J

    Stealing an AFC's girl

    The truth. If you are trying to get someone elses girlfriend, it doesnt mean that theres something wrong with the boyfriend, it DOES mean there is something wrong with YOU. Everyone in support of this is apparently retarded. Take a logic class or something. Girls like DJs. With that...
  7. J

    How to get invited to parties.

    uhh make some friends.
  8. J

    Oh I love fights

    starting fights is retarded. try fixing your insecurity instead. hitting someone will not fix whats wrong with you.
  9. J

    help fighting beng eating

    youre an addict. eat salad.
  10. J

    B.S.!!, girls & their bfs. Should i be the gf stealer?

    uhh shes living with the boyfriends family? uhh lol that sucks for the boyfriend. sounds like a wacko to me man dont give her your address lol
  11. J

    so i'm a virgin... but she thinks otherwise

    old grey woman jumped outta bed out of the window she popped her head crying john john the great goose is gone and the fox is on the towno
  12. J

    No Porn, No Masturbation

    take that up with Maslow, and every doctor in the world, dude.
  13. J

    No Porn, No Masturbation

    youre missing my point. i dont care if it works or not. It is a crutch. If you need to do something or not do something to have confidence in yourself, then you still have a lot you need to work on. its directly comparable to someone saying, "smoke weed and you will have confidence in...
  14. J

    disloyalty and stealing

    sounds like youre an insecure idiot who tends to speak in broken english in order to identify with a counter-culture that has no logical basis. did you know someone was going to say that?
  15. J

    No Porn, No Masturbation

    theres a lot of truth in this post. if you can see past all the bull**** you idiots are spewing. Stopping masturbation will not make you successful with women. If youve been taken in by this scam, you've just added another crutch to your long list. Slave to the ***** you...
  16. J

    Odd smells...

    some people just have stronger odors than others. bacteria makes you smell, not "toxins."
  17. J

    I never chase women.

    anything motivated by irrational fear(like rejection) is wrong.
  18. J

    Through the Fire; a movie production about life in my school.

    its been done "He Got Game" from spike lee excellent film, everyone should see it, even if they, like me, dont care about basketball.
  19. J

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    WARNING: IF YOURE AN IDIOT DONT GIVE ADVICE TO OTHER PEOPLE there would be no wars if everyone was a comedian. good or bad. take a hike.
  20. J

    Eye Contact

    whats it mean when girls pick their nose when theyre next to me