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    DJ Sadao

    That's why I work 2 jobs (fun jobs...). Saves me the worry factor. I'm actually pissed off at the one girl that keeps calling and doens't understand the concept of voicemail.
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    What does gentle mean?

    Gentle doesn't mean you are a pu$$y. It more runs the line of holding her properly, not moving too fast (smoothness), things like that. Not the, I'll barely touch your hand and I'll hold you like I don't have any muscles gentle :crackup:
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    random sarge turns into a onitis..

    ....what the fvck? That's what I got from reading that, and that's being honest. There was absolutely no reason (ie: RAPPORT) for her to give you her email. Lets not even touch the concept of all you did was ask questions (ie: NO GAME), no name, no age, no details, no laughter, nothing. Mmm..
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    Did Anybody See the New Trojan Condom Ad?

    So, we're all pigs until we define ourselves though a condom? :down: We should retailate and make a commercial about birth control, and make women with kids out to be obsensely disgusting trolls, and the ones that haven't been knocked up yet (which ideally, would be the ones to be desirable)...
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    Doesn't initiate Kino

    Either of shy, or she doesn't like you
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    The Northman's Journal - Kicking Ass in Toronto!

    Hmmm, just the fact of youi saying you gave her your keys to open your got some skill!
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    She's completely naked... and I'm far from hard

    Heyyy I remember you :D
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    dont know how to kiss

    It's like the bike. Hard to get going at first, but mastered easily, never really forgotten.
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    FR I guess...

    ^ That'd be a f uck ring I'm assuming, because ****, anal, rape, butt, just doens't fit with ring. ---- I'm won't even give her the light of day. She's that bad of a kisser?
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    FR - I got asked...

    Yep. I heard kid, and she askes if I'm ok with that. I lied and said yeah. That'll be how I'll end this too. It's sex, can't go wrong with that, but I got less shipping charges with other prospects (baggage)
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    Looks: Everyone falls into 1 of 4 categories.

    And I run this. Looks, you can only look good to a maximum. Personaility, an addictive personaility catches attention, and the mind. Game, just to save your pathetic little ass when they start wondering about you. That's it. You have your base looks, with a little bit of wiggle room. Your...
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    Cops and Don't Run

    And yet another half-hearted serious discussion goes down the drain....
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    FR - I got asked...

    Not really hor behaviour. Just seems really into me. Now, the catch, I think it's somewhere along the lines of she's slightly clingy, and also her kid (and 3 years single-ness).... least I hold the control. I ain't nowhere as attached and will never get as attached as her, because I...
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    FR - I got asked...

    Hmmm, an update. She's been laid. I got some mad hickies from her, still on today (Monday)Basically, she came over Friday I had off, and progressed., not to mention she got laid last night too. I R blessed with endurance and decent size! :D
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    Extremely friendly?

    Ahaha, we have dedicated readers! (alpha :D) :up:
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    The truth shall set you free; I'm in a BAAD situation..

    One: When you see her, burst out perfect French, and mention it was so cute that she taught you well. Two: Thanks for the tour, let me show you around!
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    guys after a long time,im on a stump

    Oooook. So...we need pictures. Before, and After
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    Anyone Know How to Setup a Forum (website)?

    Id do it free too.
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    Do you want to be a MOD?

    So..what ever came out of this?