Yea I made a thread about it earlier...
I'm shocked that an ad like that actually made it out of the design stage. It's like no one ever said, "Hey you know what, this isn't such a good idea because it is incredibly offensive to a lot of people."
A lot of the people who defend the ad use the argument that it isn't offensive because the message behind it is 'safe sex'. The thing is they can promote safe sex without offending people. I mean, let's create a commercial where there are people in a club and every girl is a female dog panting and licking everyone while all the men have model looks and are disgusted by their gross behavior. But low and behold, one female dog decides to buy a contraceptive for females which makes her evolve into a beautiful lady. Then when people get offended by the commercial, hide behind the curtain of "You don't get it! The message was about safe sex!" The truth of the matter is, that kind of commercial would've never made it out of the design process because of the uproar it would cause, but I guess it's alright if you do it the other way around
What Trojan is doing here is trying to exploit our insecurities through gender sensitive issues so we will buy more of their condoms

. This ad might get more publicity which may be what they wanted, but in the end, they will end up losers. Really, is it smart to diss your target audience?
Oh and the irony of evolution through using a condom. :crackup: