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  1. J

    My first approach at a club determines how the whole night goes

    I also think that drinking enough can help you withstand rejection, just don't get too drunk. This plan is only good if you aren't planning on driving back home. If you really want to nail your first approach, I would suggest first getting out in the middle of the dance floor and start...
  2. J

    The Iranian from Hell!!! "MUST READ"!!!

    So let me get this straight. This guy who is about a 0.5 in looks approaches and gets shot down by every chick in the room and finally hooks up with a HB (who rejected him before) ALL IN THE SAME NIGHT?????!!!!!!!!! I don't buy it.
  3. J

    My first approach at a club determines how the whole night goes

    I think that if you get rejected, you should hit a different part of the club. That way, you don't feel embarrassed because chances are no one there saw the rejection. Or you can wait and witness another guy get rejected and realize that it's all a numbers game.
  4. J

    Can women post here?

    No problem, just as long as you give us advice on how to successfully get women into bed, preferably after one date.
  5. J

    Drugs as a Tool?

    I usually drink when I'm approaching women at a bar because most of the women are drinking also. I have never been interested in smoking pot and harder drugs are just too risky. I'd rather get rejected by every woman I approach than resort to that.
  6. J

    How do I help a friend realize she is being played?

    Take notes from this guy. Don't player hate. Appreciate
  7. J

    why do girls like "Eminem" so much?

    Simple. He's a white guy making it in the rap game. That makes him stand out.
  8. J

    If Ugly Girls Approach You...

    Let me put it this way: I've hooked up with 8s and I have been rejected by 5s. There's no such thing as a pecking order. If any girl shows interest, it should be seen as an ego boost.
  9. J

    On being friends with chicks

    Ah, the famous "friends" debate. Here is my take: There is no point in being friends with a girl that you are attracted to. If you are single, it will only lead to further sexual frustation. Plus, if you remain friends with her, only she will benefit. She taps all of the attention out of...
  10. J

    The Most Painful Scene in the Dating Game

    Easy. Forget about the girl and move on to other girls. Jake did have some balls. But something tells me that he made his move way too late. You should make your interest known from the get-go.
  11. J

    The Most Painful Scene in the Dating Game

    I got this link from from a 'Fifteen' website. It is both funny yet painful to watch. Ouch! Enjoy. If you ever plan on escaping the friendship zone, don't do it this way.
  12. J

    What can good-looks do that a personality can not?

    Not necessarily. Just because a girl doesn't find you attractive initially, it doesn't mean that her opinion can't change. It's also human nature to be attracted to what we can't have. So if the goodlooking guy acts AFC, his chances with the girl become non-existent. If the...
  13. J

    What can good-looks do that a personality can not?

    MysteryWoman, you are so wrong that is not even funny. I could go on. But I think I've made my point. Women and men are not all that different. When someone sees a goodlooking person, he or she is not usually thinking about his or her future children. They are thinking about themselves...
  14. J

    What can good-looks do that a personality can not?

    I wouldn't classify myself as a hot guy by any means but I have attracted a number of hot girls as often as I have been rejected by them . The attraction usually happened when i was aloof and didn't care for them. Attitude is everything. Desperation will kill your game faster than your looks...
  15. J

    what to say to really popular girls?

    Talk to them as if they should be lucky to have your time.
  16. J

    Women always seem to beat around the bush

    I learned that the key to dealing with these types of women is to do your own thing and act like you don't care. Indifference is the most important DJ trait to have in my opinion.
  17. J

    do some guys not want women sexually until after teens?

    I wasn't interested in having sex until I got to college but I was always interested in girls.
  18. J

    Where to meet girls in their early 20s?

    I recently graduated from college also. I've been to bars and clubs but I either get rejected or flaked on (I think I look too young). What does a guy in my position (who's only out for some play) do?
  19. J

    Advice for frustrated virgins from an older dude.

    I agree with Pete. Sex is sex. I know a lot guys here are probably banging uglies, claiming that they are HBs. If you were willing to have sex with them, then there has to have been some attraction. Who cares if the quality isn't always that high? Just get over yourself and move on.
  20. J

    Girlfriend is going away for 3-6 months. how to keep interest level?

    I know a guy who has been abroad for three months. His girl is making nice with some guy here on campus. Women can't stand to be alone. Think about it.