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  1. D

    How do you maintain energy levels (+/- 40y old guys thread)

    I’m 57 this year and never felt better. I go to the gym twice a week (really push myself but not to insane levels) and try to walk as much as I can. I limit junk food and overeating. Eat vegetables every day and have mainly chicken, low fat beef and tuna. I only drink alcohol socially and...
  2. D

    How many of you are married ?! If so are you sleeping with other women.

    OP, from an ex married guy my advice to you is don’t go down this path. Divorce laws are not favourable to men and it’s just a case of when, not if, you will get caught cheating. Plus if you plan on having children then they may never forgive you. If you must stray stick to s*x workers; do...
  3. D

    Getting Back Together

    The only times I’ve gotten back with an ex is purely for the s*x (assuming they are open to it, many are not) and I have no other live options. I have tried being friends and spending non-s*xual time with exes but just didn’t enjoy it. The lack of potential s*xual opportunity just didn’t do...
  4. D

    Your thoughts on men hitting their stride with women and being f*ckboys after 30.

    I’m 57 this year and am just hitting my stride. I have little problem attracting interest from women including some up to 10 years younger than me but dry spells do happen. I’m spinning a few plates at the moment including an ex alpha widow who says she will visit when I’m old, still wants to...
  5. D

    The Essential Role of Men in sex

    Know how to use foreplay, your tongue and your fingers in addition to your trouser python. Mix things up, alternate tenderness with (consensual) aggression, use surprise and variety. Women crave romance, novelty, excitement and being lusted after. If you think a woman enjoys the same meal being...
  6. D

    Cheating in LTR: low or high value?

    I wouldn’t advise cheating in a marriage or live in de facto relationship unless you want to experience the divorce process which is generally unfavourable to men. Where I live the de facto laws kick in after two years (the State then treats the relationship as a marriage) so you need to be very...
  7. D

    What women want? (For women members only)

    All romantic relationships are transactional at their core but people don’t want to acknowledge this reality. People only enter these relationships to meet certain needs and if their needs aren’t met the relationship will end. Needs can vary - s*x, security, companionship, raising children etc...
  8. D

    Sharing 25 Years of Dating Wisdom

    Women use pets as surrogate children/boyfriends. You will always come second. My ex wife is a pet mum so I speak from experience. Avoid pet mums like the plague or use for recreational purposes only.
  9. D

    Older man says he is no longer interested in dating

    The quality of women in the 50+ age bracket isn’t that great.
  10. D

    Smashing 21yr old model in her prime

    You only live once and no man ever lies on his deathbed wishing he had slept with less women. As long as you’re having fun do whatever you want. If you want a safe, risk free life it will end up very boring. What I find interesting at least to me is that no matter how attractive the girl it’s...
  11. D

    African king takes 16th wife

    I feel sorry for him. One wife is bad enough. Why keep them around?
  12. D

    I wonder how women feel

    The experience of most average women with dating is like being in a swamp looking for a piece of dry land. They suffer the paradox of choice. The experience of most average men with dating is like being in a desert looking for an oasis. They suffer from a scarcity mentality. While being a...
  13. D

    Is it worth dating a very attractive woman?

    Even hot girls get boring or tiresome. It just takes longer than unattractive girls. The most attractive girl is the one you haven’t yet slept with or spent lots of time with. All girls have issues; it’s just that attractive girls get more of a leave pass.
  14. D

    Do you think OLD first serves up a man a bunch of hotties to get him excited, but then follows up with the zoo of beasts?

    Wait until you’re in my age range (57). The vast majority of women 50+ on OLD have fought Father Time and lost by TKO in terms of looks and weight. The few that haven’t are even more entitled.
  15. D

    All my relationships fail because I want fresh pooz.

    I saw those interviews with Bilzerian. The guy was having physical intimacy with 2-9 different women per day for years (or so he claims). He said very few guys hit their hedonic adaptation limit but he did and it ceased to give him any enjoyment, it became just another thing he did during his...
  16. D

    lack of sex in a healthy relationship: Defining the threshold

    You should not regularly have to beg or ask for physical intimacy. If you need to, she is using it as a control/reward/punishment mechanism, she is no longer attracted to you, your libidos/physical intimacy needs are mismatched or there is some sort of illness such as depression. A emerging dead...
  17. D

    Do you agree with this dating article from the atlantic ?:)

    Dating is fine as long as you realise it’s a value exchange. It’s fun in the beginning but at some point women always want more than you are willing to give (money, energy, attention, time, validation etc.) and/or the quality/quantity of bedroom action or whatever else you want from the...
  18. D

    All my relationships fail because I want fresh pooz.

    I have the same issue. I think most guys are hard wired for variety. I was married for 20 years and was faithful as I took it seriously plus had kids to raise. Post divorce I’m finding it impossible to continue to be enthusiastic about seeing a woman when the bedroom action becomes boring no...
  19. D

    Your Top 10 Red Flags to Look Out for

    My biggest red flag is someone who is not compatible in bed. If they won’t do something you enjoy with enthusiasm, if they are not open discussing their and your bedroom needs then no matter what else is great frustration will build up over time with no resolution.
  20. D

    Friendzone and "best friends make best lovers"

    The friendzone strategy can take years to succeed and even then there’s no guarantee of success. If you want to pursue this approach I would invest absolutely bare minimal effort (e.g. texts/calls/catchups just a few times a year if that) and make sure you pursue other options. Don’t get oneitis...