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  1. D

    Post 55 Online Dating

    Sorry guys. I’ve been really busy with work, life and juggling multiple women in the early stages of dating and haven’t had the time to log on here as much as I would like to. All women age differently. It’s just a genetic lottery. While I agree that younger women will always appear more...
  2. D

    Post 55 Online Dating

    Thanks for the replies. After 20 years of marriage focusing on my kids and at my age my social circle is pretty much non-existent. I’m based in Australia (VIC) so my comments reflect the situation here. I moved from a different State (QLD) to get married and left my social circle behind...
  3. D

    Post 55 Online Dating

    Hello forum members I just thought I’d share my experiences with online dating as an older guy (I’m 56, divorced and been OLD since May 2023). I think I’m around a 6 - 7/10 (everyone thinks I’m a lot younger than my age, have been told my women friends I’m good looking, I’m very slim, not...
  4. D

    Are all marriages as bad as they seem?

    Depends on what your definition of ‘happy marriage’ is. Is it not being divorced, raising kids successfully, having companionship, still having sex etc. After the end of a 20 year marriage I’m of the view (similar to @SW15) that the sheer passage of time dooms most LTRs (there will always be...
  5. D

    Dating Viability for Men in their 40s

    I’m 55 and have just entered the cesspool of OLD (browsing only at this stage as I am between jobs and need to focus on earning coin first). The majority of women within 50 - 55 are either obese, ugly, have delusional expectations, are single mothers looking for a provider or just trade solely...