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  1. D

    The decision of whether to escalate: One of many problems us men face

    I’ve been seeing girl that’s had the longest last minute resistance I’ve ever encountered. I’m talking 3-4 hours of kissing, her crossing her legs, pushing my hand away, stopping the making out and starting conversations about random stuff like the colour scheme in my apartmentbefore she...
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    Dating Sites Question About Incentives

    I’ve found OLD has a very high rejection rate as a guy. Your ego needs to be strong as it can destroy your self confidence. You will get rejected by 5s and 10s and all in between. Ghosting after connecting (online and after an in person date) is very common. Women are plate spinning as much...
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    15 plates

    The more women you gave in your life, the less time you have, the more complicated the logistics will be, the more money you spend, the more exhausted you will be and the more drama you have. If you are just after different s*xual experiences then eventually the pursuit of hedonism will become...
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    SMV and age difference

    Some women are genuinely attracted to older men. It’s just a case of finding them. My current girlfriend married a guy at 18 when he was 28 (20 year marriage plus only one other 3 month relationship post divorce in her life besides me, a rarity these days). She has no interest whatsoever in...
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    Can a nice guy change his nature?

    I have been successful using the nice guy strategy when dating to ease dealing the deal. At my age (56) there’s a lot of sh*t tests and patience required. However at some point you need to communicate s*xual interest, expectations and boundaries so the nice guy facade isn’t a long term...
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    I am so done...

    Only start dating when you are comfortable living by yourself, don’t need a woman to fill the void, all nostalgia about your ex has completely gone and no contact with tiurhas been strictly enforced. You need to have a mindset that any new woman you may be involved with is a compliment to your...
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    SMV and age difference

    I’m 56 and currently gave an Asian girlfriend about 10 years younger than me but she prefers older guys. I’ve found Asian women often prefer much older guys to date. You have to weed out the gold diggers though. There will be outliers who by a combination of wealth, status, looks, physique...
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    Aging/Dying: What's the point? (Philosophical question)

    The shortness of life should give life meaning. You only have a limited time to find meaning in your own life. The problem is that age catches up with you and most people think they have more time than what they actually have. One minute you’re in your 30s, spinning plates at will with high...
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    Getting with older women

    If they remind me of my mother then they are too old. There are attractive older women out there but the majority have a face that looks like the German guy from Indiana Jones 1 after he looked at the spirits inside the ark of the covenant, and a body that could be mistaken for a rhinoceros...
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    I've had enough

    Let’s just try and respect everyone’s opinion without stooping to personal character assassinations. We are here to learn and provide opinions about game, relationships and seduction, not to referee squabbles between posters.
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    Are Dating Apps really that bad right now

    I have found the rejection rate very high on dating apps. Even the most unattractive woman gets multiple hits so unless you stand out (through looks, humour, status, lifestyle, wealth etc.) you will find it challenging. Dating apps are just one option in the dating market. They shouldn’t be...
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    Pregnancy Announcements Everywhere! Life When Your Blue Pill Social Circle Starts Having Babies

    As you get older dating becomes more tiresome and you start to question your return on dating investment. The amount of money + energy + time you invest looking for an enthusiastic bedroom participant and stress free, enjoyable company becomes increasingly hard to justify. Plus as you age the...
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    Richard Cooper - The Unplugged Alpha (2021) Book Review

    I’m 56 and most women I have dated 46 and up have children of various ages. Those that don’t aren’t necessarily any more dateable and may raise red flags of their own. The ‘avoid single mums’ philosophy makes sense when you are a lot younger but is a sobering reality as you age (unless you are...
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    Life's a B1tch

    A woman should add to your base level of happiness over time. If your base level of happiness (i.e. being single) is say 80%, then a woman should improve on this (to say 85 or ideally 90% over time. If you find your happiness levels reduce (to say 75 or 70% or even lower in the example above)...
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    She thought she could do better...

    Most women do well financially out of divorce and the male thirst epidemic. However their delusional expectations about the type of man they think they deserve when they are in their 40s and 50s and their looks have deteriorated leaves most of them frustrated, bitter and single. I’ve been on...
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    Why Girls like Pretty Boys

    Most women will be more attracted to a physique that has an athletic level of development compared to a guy that has never worked out and carries excess weight or looks like a stick insect. If you work out hard in the gym as a natural and watch your diet this is achievable for most guys. The...
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    Hot Take: Sex is overrated

    S*x is great with someone new provided you are compatible in the bedroom. Over time hedonic adaptation kicks in, especially if the variety, surprise, quality and quantity drop off from the woman, body shapes change due to age or laziness and/or the relationship dynamics outside the bedroom are...
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    Life's a B1tch

    Hedonic adaptation kills all relationships eventually and women tend to get bored faster than men. Once a woman cheats on you (physically or emotionally) she has mentally checked out of the relationship by her actions. Any respect or desire she once had for you is gone. Either kick her to the...
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    Abundance is the most important factor

    All I know is that dating more than one girl makes you less needy and more critical of the ones you are dating as you compare them against each other. As to how to create abundance, I think you need to have your own angle. What works for one person beyond the basics (work out, dress well, be...
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    Did anyone here had success with women that expect a lot in the beginning?

    All romantic relationships are transactional. As PsycHacks puts it, romantic relationships are the medium in which value is exchanged. Unconditional love only exists between parents and their children. People go into romantic relationships looking for their needs to be met and if they aren’t...