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    Now what?.

    Just gotta break the routine. You seem fit and active, exhausted. Do a Spartan race. I just did one this weekend. All you see are fit women everywhere (although half of them have picture ruiners with them). A Spartan chick approached me in a supermarket when she saw the race patches on my...

    What was your breaking point from nice guy to dj?

    Food means more. Gone are the days of conviction in what you say. Many women I know do not own up to the words coming out of their mouths. Truth. The world is a big place. Damn, this was spot on.

    Now what?.

    Yes, this is true. There are things I kept off that list that I didn't pursue because they weren't fulfilling or at least fun enough to see it through.

    Now what?.

    After breaking up with my first girlfriend years ago (whom I thought I was going to marry), I immersed myself in completely random hobbies and learning new skills. When I say immersed, that's almost all I did outside of the life necessities. These are some of the things I've learned and have...

    Now what?.

    It's definitely boredom and the cause is routine. Do new things you've always wanted even if they scare you or don't jive with who you think you are. At least you'll know if you don't like something to move on to the next thing. I haven't been bored in over 20 years. I have endeavors I've...

    Stay married or get divorced....?

    VERY VERY TRUE. And if I may ask a question... Did your wife give any indication of this crazy behavior (red flags) before your wedding? I know I've been completely blind to all the red flags of my exGFs until it was too late...

    **To all the Newbies, Heart Brokens and Hardcase Believers - Trust the Users Wisdom**

    This post blew my mind. Quite the education

    First time, long time. Advice appreciated.

    Simple brilliance right here. Never doubt your gut. I picked up my exGF was a little off and I let it persist for two weeks, thinking it was stress, school, family, etc. My gut was telling me otherwise but I kept trying to rationalize it. Even after having an "understanding and empathetic"...

    She said, "I miss you."

    Did you respond at all? This just happened to me and I'm eager to see how this plays out. I do have to agree with everyone here. She's testing you to see if you still care but perhaps just to make herself feel better but not necessarily so she can act on it afterwards. She wants to hear (or...
  10. XFORCE

    Anyone ever get tired of starting over again and again?

    Go for volume over quantity. There are some that are worthwhile but the unfortunate thing is that they're surrounded by the awful ones that taint them.
  11. XFORCE

    A woman's ability it "switch off"

    Excellent point. This is where I get sucked in wanting to be the gentleman for women who don't deserve it yet. Women today either take it for granted, feel they are entitled to it or get insulted by it. Modern feminism is killing chivalry.
  12. XFORCE

    Why do guys say don't be nice..

    I like this mentality as well. I'd like to believe that the good will and generosity will be reciprocated in the long term but the women I date always lose that focus. Perhaps it's the kind of women I date...
  13. XFORCE

    Anyone ever get tired of starting over again and again?

    I've seen this from my friends (who are women) who were all crazy about getting engaged or married. The most zealous ones are already divorced or in the case of two of them, went nuts while they were engaged and cheated on their men. When I asked them why, they simply said their men bored them...
  14. XFORCE

    Anyone ever get tired of starting over again and again?

    I live in NJ and am in NYC all the time. There are a TON of women here BUT the level of entitlement (among other things) is off the charts. There's a rampant attitude of wanting the boyfriend treatment but not wanting to put in the work to become a girlfriend.
  15. XFORCE

    Anyone ever get tired of starting over again and again?

    I was introduced early to her daughter and parents and they were all great. I miss them as much as the not-crazy version of my ex-girlfriend.
  16. XFORCE

    Anyone ever get tired of starting over again and again?

    Everything said here is right on
  17. XFORCE

    Anyone ever get tired of starting over again and again?

    I agree with you there. Two of the women I train are hitting on me (one hot and one not but both have some kind of damage/baggage). I can't believe it but I'm playing it straight and saying no (for now) to both. As nice as it'd be to hook up with a new chick right away, it's such a f***ing...
  18. XFORCE

    A woman's ability it "switch off"

    So she came out of her depressive cycle and tried to get you back? And what was her attempt at an explanation as she was cycling up to a hypomanic phase?
  19. XFORCE

    Examples of a NPD' crazy logic or lack thereof

    Good lord.. Isn't this lack of a functional mind utterly maddening??
  20. XFORCE

    A woman's ability it "switch off"

    As an update, I spent time with the cousin this weekend and she analyzed the relationship in her own special way, after taking 3 pages of notes with dates. Initially, she was thinking Bipolar 2 until I got to the meds, waking hallucinations and violent nightmares. Unofficially, these are...