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    A woman's ability it "switch off"

    I experienced this for the first time in the last few weeks. This, though, was caused by the combination of BPD, the addition of another med (that was supposed to stabilizer her better) and the stress of life. Speaking with a trained mental health professional (my cousin), she cited that I met...

    Be thankful, be appreciative.

    Mental illness is no joke. I'm getting such an education between her and this forum. I'm starting to see inconsistencies in behavior and stories she tells, (just happened a few minutes ago). Going NC on her immediately. She says she hates lying but this blatant hypocrisy is a true slap in...

    LTR girl now has serious depression

    Thanks for this. It's actually the exact point I'm at. I talked to her last night and some other stress-related ailments popped up. It's like one thing after another.

    Be thankful, be appreciative.

    Totally agree with this. I'm wondering (in a chicken or the egg kind of way), though, how does true detachment happen if you catch feelings for a woman?

    You think this letter on my head stands for France?

    You think this letter on my head stands for France?

    LTR girl now has serious depression

    This is everything I was afraid of. I've only been through two weeks of this and I'm at my wit's end. I shall reading your posts and regarding them as holy writ, sir... Thank you.

    LTR girl now has serious depression

    Yes.. As the stress is mounting up from school, she's been on the semi-depressive side for a couple of weeks. I cannot imagine what she'd be like without the stabilizer.

    LTR girl now has serious depression

    Yes, I found out as a fly on the wall during a conversation with her mom that she casually mentioned going on SOMETHING (I don't remember the name) that her doctor recommended. I immediately googled it sitting on their couch and it was a mood stabilizer I haven't heard any disorder success...

    LTR girl now has serious depression

    Thank you for the insight, sir. We just started going out over the summer when I was excellent but once school began, she's a 180 degree different person. I've been tolerating the new personality for the last two weeks and it's time to call her out on her behavior. I really like her and it'll...
  10. XFORCE

    LTR girl now has serious depression

    The nightmares have been happening, yes. Luckily no BO and sex has been fine. Was there anything specific that made you decide to end it or did you just have enough? Even though I really like her, I don't want to put in the time for a medicated girl that might not get better.
  11. XFORCE

    Dealing with a stressed girlfriend.

    This is where I'm at now. I'm controlling every needy cell in my body and making it more about what's going on with her than how her drama is making me feel. It's tough but it's better than being clingy and showing weak resolve. This is where I don't want to be but I'll never understand why...
  12. XFORCE

    LTR girl now has serious depression

    Oh man, I'm hearing more and more about medication side effects. She's the first one I've dealt with on meds (but not the first mentally ill one). If you don't mind me asking, what part of that learning experience made you want to run for the hills?
  13. XFORCE

    Dealing with a stressed girlfriend.

    This is where I am now. She's a notorious stress internalizer and has never known how to process it. I know this thread is a few years old but insight on how OP's situation resolved would be great.
  14. XFORCE

    LTR girl now has serious depression

    Thanks very much for the insight. Yes, you are correct; I misspoke. She's hyper stressed about the bar exam and I've cut her a lot of slack by backing off a lot. As she's currently non-communicative, it's hard to tell if it's the stress, depression, family issues, me or a combination of these...
  15. XFORCE

    LTR girl now has serious depression

    Great topic. A few weeks ago, my girlfriend casually drops that she can't have a drink that day because it might mess with her antidepressant. I put that up in the memory banks for future reference. She resumed her very stressful last semester of law school, has a major exam coming next month...
  16. XFORCE

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Nothing pathetic, man. This stuff is real and we have/had it happen to us. It stinks but it's also a fact of life. Definitely go the self improvement route. When my first girlfriend relationship ended after five years, I was lost. Lots of doubt, regret and self-loathing in the time soon...
  17. XFORCE

    Killed attraction fast - can I bounce back?

    I'm in a similar boat, homie. My chick is 40, though, and was acting the same way so maturity doesn't necessarily come with age. Definitely enact the soft NC. My girl's going through some family and school stress and instead of doing my natural instinct of pressing, asking and being needy...