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  1. M

    WTF Girlfriend's best friend is a guy?

    "and the reason guys have such an issue with this, is self evident in your own post - women don't see this about themselves. women are completely unaware that they are swimming in dangerous waters when they do this."
  2. M

    WTF Girlfriend's best friend is a guy?

    What about in this case? Not to threadjack but; What if this "friend" is a former bf? or a guy she had sex with in the past?
  3. M

    My girlfriend has a daughter

    This may be obvious, but maybe it needs to be mentioned: When You are with a woman who has kids, her kids are her 1st priority. Your needs will always be secondary at best. I have dated women with kids and learned through experience that I am no longer willing to get the leftover scraps of my...
  4. M

    Give it to me straight

    As others have said, She CAN quit IF she truely wants to. BTW I think that Rehab is usually as waste of time and money. I was a Coke addict back in the day, so I know what I speak-of...
  5. M

    what should I do?

    I'll admit that I'm a little rusty. But my opinion is this... ask her out on a date. If she says "no", or makes excuses, then you have your answer.
  6. M

    My good friend is pissed.

    My opinion is that weddings ARE for women. This is her day. Most guys could give a rats-azz about the details of a wedding, myself included! If it was me, I'd let her run the show for the wedding. So long as she knows that YOU are the one who calls the shots in all other matters. But if she's a...
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    Her so-called "Platonic" Guy Friends...

    I agree with everything you guyz are saying. Thanx for setting me straight!
  8. M

    Her so-called "Platonic" Guy Friends...

    Werd! I think You nailed-it! She is laying a double-standard on my ass!
  9. M

    Her so-called "Platonic" Guy Friends...

    I agree! Actually, SHE was the one who made it clear she was looking for a LTR. She also said that she would have no problem introducing me as her BF to her guyfriends. So if I just decide to think of her as nothing more than a fuk-buddy, then problem-solved I guess. However, it seems like...
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    Her so-called "Platonic" Guy Friends...

    Point well-taken!
  11. M

    Her so-called "Platonic" Guy Friends...

    I admit I'm rusty, and I haven't been on here in a couple of years. But, if you have nothing to say but put-downs, then stay the f-off my thread and allow others with something constructive to say have the bandwidth...
  12. M

    Her so-called "Platonic" Guy Friends...

    I think you guys are right! If she'd rather have her guy-friends/ego-boosters than me, then she isn't worth me investing anything further in her. Afterall, would ANY guy with a pair of balls allow this to continue?
  13. M

    Her so-called "Platonic" Guy Friends...

    Hi! I haven't been here in a long time! I have met a nice lady on the internet and we have been talking alot. Everything seemed to be going very well, until today. She told me that most of her friends are"platonic guy friends". This raises a yellow-flag for me! Secondly, she told me that she...
  14. M

    Girls with guy friends

    You are very naive. :rolleyes: EVERYTIME I've met a girl who has mostly guy "friends" she turns-out to be an attention ho who takes advantage of her harem of guys. I used to do music stuff with this married lady who has alot of guy "friends" and she ended-up asking me to sleep with her! I feel...
  15. M

    Girls still pick AFC's over DJ's

    She's an attention Ho... She's just an attention Ho... Lot's of chicks are willing to throw an afc a bone now and then just to get their female egos stroked by the afc who kisses her feet, buys her stuff etc. But then she'll drop him in a heartbeat with no concern of the poor guy's feelings...
  16. M

    My girlfriend cheated...

    Beating the guy-up... will-NOT undo, what's been done. Moreover, the guy might have you thrown in jail if you touch-him. Then you'll be your cellmates bi-tch...
  17. M

    The Iranian from Hell!!! "MUST READ"!!!

    The answer is... "Beer Goggles"! The girl was probably drunk. When she sobers-up, she won't give hime the time of day!
  18. M

    The Best Pick-Up Line EVER

    My best pickup line! How much for "half-n-half"? ;)
  19. M

    Dating Married Women !!

    I started, but stopped... There was this married lady "friend" of mine who told me that she wanted to sleep with me. At first I was like "Where the heck did THAT come-from?" Then my little head started perking-up and we fooled-around a little. I put my hand in her panties and felt her wetness...